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- BookHiromi Hirata, Atsuo Iida, editors.Summary: This book provides cutting-edge studies and technologies using small fishes, including zebrafish, medaka, and other fishes as new model animals for molecular biology, developmental biology, and medicine. It also introduces eccentric fish models that are pioneering new frontiers of biology. Zebrafish and medaka have been developed as lower vertebrate model organisms because these small fish are easy to raise in the laboratory and are useful for the live imaging of the morphology and activity of cells and tissues in intact animals. By virtue of those specific advantages, fish studies have demonstrated the common features of vertebrates and raised further questions toward understanding the mystery of life. The book consists of four parts: "Development and Cell Biology", "Homeostasis and Reproduction", "Clinical Models", and "Eccentric Fish". Together they describes the core area of small fish study - often considered mere zoology but which is actually proving to be the universal basis of life. Written by leading scientists, the book helps readers to understand small fishes, inspires scientists to utilize small fishes in their studies, and encourages anyone who wants to participate in the large and fantastic world of small fish.
2.1.3 Endothelial Cell Branching and Anastomosis2.1.4 Endothelial Cell Rearrangements; 2.1.5 Apical Membrane Invagination; 2.1.6 Vessel Pruning; 2.2 Endothelial Membrane Dynamics During Vessel Morphogenesis; 2.2.1 Endothelial Cell Membrane Plasticity; 2.2.2 Regulation of Membrane Dynamics by Actomyosin Activity; 2.3 Endothelial Cell-Cell Junction Dynamics During Vessel Morphogenesis; 2.3.1 Cell-Cell Junction Remodeling During Sprout Extension; 2.3.2 Formation of New Junctions During Anastomosis; 2.3.3 Cell-Cell Junction Organization During Blood Vessel Tubulogenesis 2.3.4 Reorganization of Cell-Cell Junctions during Vessel Pruning2.3.5 Molecular Regulation of Endothelial Cell-Cell Junctions; 2.3.6 Regulation of Endothelial Cell-Cell Junctions by the Actin Cytoskeleton; 2.4 Influence of Hemodynamic Forces on Blood Vessel Morphogenesis; 2.4.1 Modulation of Endothelial Cell Polarity by Blood Flow; 2.4.2 Lumen Formation and Maintenance Depends on Blood Flow; 2.4.3 Hemodynamic Forces Regulate Vessel Diameter and Size; 2.4.4 Role of Hemodynamic Forces on Vessel Formation and Remodeling; 2.4.5 Mechanosensors of Hemodynamic Forces; 2.5 Conclusions; References
Chapter 3: Development of Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Zebrafish3.1 Introduction; 3.1.1 General; 3.1.2 Zebrafish as a Model for the Study of HSC Development; 3.2 Comparison of Hematopoietic Development between the Mouse and Zebrafish; 3.2.1 Hematopoietic Development in the Mouse; 3.2.2 Hematopoietic Development in the Zebrafish; 3.3 Molecular Regulation of HSC Specification in the Zebrafish Embryo; 3.3.1 Transcriptional Regulation of HSC Specification; 3.3.2 Regulation of HSC Specification by Notch Signaling; 3.3.3 Regulatory Signaling Pathways Required for HSC Specification - ArticleKobayashi I, Ikeda H.Seikagaku. 1978 Mar 25;50(3):194-7.