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  • Book
    Paolo Capodaglio, editor.
    Summary: This book has a unique focus on physiotherapy techniques and training methods that are ideally suited for the obese patient. Despite its related comorbidities and disability, not to mention its pandemic proportions, the impact of obesity on individual capacities and rehabilitative outcomes is often neglected by physiotherapists and physical trainers alike. The number of disabled subjects who are also obese is now increasing worldwide, as is the rate of obese patients admitted to post-acute rehabilitation units. The effective rehabilitative treatment of these patients involves special multidisciplinary considerations. This book fills that gap, by gathering evidence-based chapters addressing not only the physiological limitations of obese subjects but also state-of-the-art, novel and specific treatment and training modalities suited for these patients. Though the content is primarily intended for rehabilitation practitioners (physiotherapists, nutritionists, dieticians, psychologists, PRM specialists), it will also benefit students and researchers engaged in this particular multidisciplinary field. The book's ultimate goal is to increase professionals' awareness of this multidisciplinary area, and to provide a pragmatic guidebook for those who want to engage in the rehabilitation of patients who are also obese.

    1: Physical Activity and Endurance Training Modalities: Evidences and Perspectives
    1.1 Definition and Classification of Physical Activity
    1.2 Daily Physical Activity
    1.3 Endurance Training Modalities
    1.3.1 Moderate-Intensity Exercise Training
    1.3.2 Individualized Moderate-Intensity Exercise Training (Fatmax Training)
    1.3.3 High-Intensity Exercise Training
    1.3.4 Comparison Between Moderate- and High-Intensity Exercise Training
    1.4 Innovative Training Modalities 1.4.1 Normobaric Intermittent Hypoxic Exercise Training
    1.4.2 Noninvasive Ventilation (NIV) and Proportional Assist Ventilation (PAV) During Physical Training
    1.5 Conclusions
    2: Which Strength Training?
    2.1 Strength Training in Obese Individuals
    2.2 Metabolic Effects
    2.3 Types of Strength
    2.4 Improving Muscle Mass and Strength
    2.5 Recommendations for Practitioners
    3: Aquatic Exercise
    3.1 Physical Properties of Water
    3.2 Pool Characteristics
    3.3 Prescribing AQE
    3.4 Resistance/Circuit Training
    3.5 Aerobic Training 3.6 High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
    3.7 AQE Protocols
    3.8 Progression of AQE: An Example
    3.9 Monitoring
    4: Nutrition and Exercise
    4.1 Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Exercise
    4.2 Water, Micronutrients and Exercise
    4.3 Role of Protein and Amino Acids in Fat-Free Mass (FFM) Preservation During Weight Loss
    4.4 Nutrition and Exercise in Morbidly Obese Patients
    4.5 Nutrition and Exercise in Obese Patients with Sarcopenia
    5: The Role of Specific Motor Control Exercises
    5.1 Motor Control, Pain and Specific Exercises 5.1.1 Motor Control
    5.1.2 Specific Motor Control Exercises (SMCE)
    5.1.3 Motor Skill Training
    5.1.4 Exercise Prescription
    5.2 Motor Control and Obesity: Literature and Subclassification
    5.2.1 What Is Different About Adults with Obesity?
    5.2.2 Subclassification
    5.2.3 Subclassification Categories Influencing SMCE Behavioral Factors Neurological Factors Motor Function
    5.3 Posture, Movement and Obesity: The Clinical Analysis
    5.4 Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation in Obesity
    5.4.1 Therapeutic Steps 5.4.2 Where and How to Start?
    5.4.3 Lumbar-Pelvic Neutral
    5.4.4 Examples of SMCE
    5.5 Conclusion
    6: Respiratory Exercises and Noninvasive Ventilation
    6.1 Pathophysiological Changes
    6.2 Dyspnea and Exercise Capacity
    6.3 Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Noninvasive Ventilation
    6.4 Posture and Ventilation
    7: Balance Training
    7.1 Physiology
    7.2 Postural Characteristics in the Patient with Obesity
    7.3 Assessment of Balance Disorders
    7.3.1 Self-Reported Measures
    7.3.2 Clinical Assessment
    7.3.3 Instrumental Evaluation
    Digital Access Springer 2020