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- BookHoracio J. Asbun, Mihir M. Shah, Eugene P. Ceppa, Edward D. Auyang, editors.Summary: This book provides the standard for the current state of biliary surgery in the 21st century and aims to help the surgeon progress from the competent, to the proficient, and finally to the mastery level. This guidebook also gives insight into modern evaluation and management. The highlights emphasize what is both feasible and safe from a minimally invasive approach in biliary surgery. The concept of safe cholecystectomy is defined and expounded on in detail. The difficult cholecystectomy is given ample coverage to include management of intraoperative bile duct injury, indications and techniques of subtotal cholecystectomy, and special attention to intraoperative diagnostic imaging that serve as adjuncts, including cholangiograpy, ultrasound, as well as indocyanine green biliary fluorescence. Furthermore, the evolution of treatment of choledocohlithiasis has evolved the most in recent years, and thus requires an extensive discussion of the non-operative and operative management of bile duct stones. The SAGES Manual of Biliary Surgery serves as an important contribution to the medical literature sponsored by SAGES, an international leading authority in gastrointestinal surgery with a keen interest in safe and proficient biliary surgery. Leaders in the field of biliary surgery impart their insight and considerable experience in the chapters planned for this manual. The intent for this manual is to be the cited resource for high quality and applicable knowledge for the treatment of benign biliary disease.
Introduction to Biliary Manual
Biliary Anatomy
Basic Principles of Safe Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Preoperative Optimization for Elective Cholecystectomy
Preoperative Imaging in Patients Undergoing Cholecystectomy
Choosing the Best Timing for Cholecystectomy
When to Perform a Cholecystectomy after Percutaneous Cholecystostomy Tube Placement
Intraoperative Cholangiography (IOC): Important Aid in Biliary and Common Bile Duct Surgery
Intraoperative Indocyanine Green during Cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic Biliary Ultrasound
The Difficult Cholecystectomy
Non Operative Management of Common Bile Duct Stones: ERCP & Other Techniques (Lithotripsy)
Common Bile Duct Exploration
Management of Common Bile Duct Injury
Operative Management of Bile Duct Injury in the Presence of Prior Roux-en-Y
Management of Common Bile Duct Tones in the Presence of Prior Roux-en-Y
Advanced Biliary Procedures. - ArticleOppong MC, Kern R, Schipper J, Käppeli F.Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 1978 Apr;172(4):431-4.The problems of optical correction of unilateral traumatic aphakia are discussed. The treatment of choice is a combined Cataract-operation with intraocular lens implants. The operation must be done as soon as the eye is free of inflammation. Prescription of bifocal glasses in addition to pseudophakoi is necessary. With this method a "malignant" Strabismus can be avoided and binocular vision, stereopsis as well as minimal grade of aniseikonia can be achieved.
- Journal