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  • Book
    Komla Tsey ; [foreword by Yvonne Cadet-James].
    Summary: This book is for researchers and students looking for ways to engage communities and industry in research. It is also written for community leaders, philanthropists and managers of organisations interested in building mutually beneficial partnerships with researchers, or training their own researchers. To this end, I hope that the readers of this book will appreciate that in their own way, whether big or small, they will be able to make research more meaningful by genuinely and honestly engaging with the communities of people with whom they work. I hope that an auto-ethnography or personal narrative approach will throw light on the factors that lead to positive research engagement and impact, thereby helping researchers avoid some of my pitfalls.

    Aiming for relevance: early experiences of community engagement in Ghana
    Understanding the context: The case of central Australian Aboriginal health
    Learning by doing: community action against sex, alcohol and violence in Tennant Creek
    Building capacity for research: The Lowitja Institute
    Developing self-awareness as a researcher: the family wellbeing program
    Facilitating empowerment: the family wellbeing program in Alice Springs
    Building readiness for change: the case for Yarrabah Men's Group
    Taking a long-term approach: the family wellbeing program at Yarrabah
    Case study 1: The evolution of Yarrabah Men's Group: Take a long-term view by starting at the ending
    Case study 2: Beware the "Iceberg Issues": be prepared to revisit and revise your goals
    Case study 3: Evaluation planning: the first and last step in any research project.
    Managing unanticipated consequences: historical research in Ghana
    Planning for and tracking research impact: Australian Research Council framework
    Conclusion: A strengths-based framework for Research engagement and impact.
    Digital Access Springer 2019