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  • Book
    National Commission on Correctional Health Care.
    Summary: This manual contains 70 standards grouped under nine general areas. Every standard is categorized, numbered, and named. The statement below the standard's name is designated as the standard, a succinct sentence or two about the topic and statement of the expected outcome. Following the standard are compliance indicators, which specify how meeting the standard can usually be assessed. Next is the discussion section, the first sentence of which states the intent of the standard.

    Governance and administration
    Personnel and training
    Health care services and support
    Patient care and treatment
    Health promotion
    Special needs and services
    Health records
    Medical-legal issues.
    Print Access Request
    Call Number
    Books: General Collection (Downstairs)
    HV9104 .N385 2015
  • Article
    Sakumoto T, Tohyama M, Satoh K, Itakura T, Yamamoto K, Kinulagsa T, Tanizawa O, Kurachi K, Shimizu N.
    J Hirnforsch. 1977;18(6):521-30.
    Fine structure of noradrenaline (NA) terminals in the internal layer of the median eminence (ME) was elucidated by in situ fixation of potassium permanganate. The NA terminals in ME contained relatively large cored vesicles (about 1000 A) together with a large number of small core vesicle (400-600 A). The most dominant feature that NA terminals show is the closed contact with ependymal cells and their processes. In the bulging abutting on the contact membrane, some of core vesicles fused or touched the membrane appearing to release the content into intercellular space or take up NA from the space. This finding shows that the NA terminals abutting on the ependymal cells and their processes have a close contact with them and give an important influence on regulation of ependymal function. Our present study further revealed that the NA terminals also had a close contact not only with the axon terminals in which ordinary spherical non-cored vesicles were exclusively present but also with the axonal fibers of neurosecretary system. These findings would infer complicated function of NA in ME.
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