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- BookM. M. Begani, Dheeraj V. Mulchandani, Shagufta Choudhary, editors.Summary: This book features a collection of guidelines for anesthesia in day care surgery, covering all medical specialties that may look to venture into the ambulatory surgery domain. It provides various practical tips that can be used in day-to-day practice by anesthetists and surgeons alike, and covers various anesthetic protocols used by the stalwarts of the industry to illustrate the ideal techniques for anesthesia in day care surgery.
Recent advances in anesthesia
Medical fitness for day care surgery
Patient selection and optimization in day care anesthesia
Pediatric patient in a day care setting
Geriatric patient in a day care setting
Anesthesia for urology in day care
Anesthesia for orthopedic cases in day care
Anesthesia for ENT procedures in day care
Anesthesia for ophthalmic cases in day care
Anesthesia for dental cases in day care
Common nerve blocks used for day care anesthesia
Post-operative recovery and discharge for day care anesthesia
Pain management in day care
Medicolegal aspects of day care surgery
Potential of day care surgery
Data from a pioneer day care centre. - ArticleHill HL, Nahai F, Vasconez LO.Plast Reconstr Surg. 1978 Apr;61(4):517-22.The tensor fascia lata muscle and its overlying skin provide a reliable myocutaneous unit containing a large amount of soft tissue for a free flap transfer. Its anatomy is outlined, and the operative technique for transfer is detailed in a case of chronic stasis ulcer of the lower leg.