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  • Book
    Alyn H. Morice, Peter W. Dettmar, editors.
    Summary: This book is about the interface between reflux and the respiratory tract. Reflux is an important factor in many different lung diseases. The pathological basis of reflux has recently undergone major changes in our understanding based on improved diagnostic technology. Readers will learn about how reflux impacts on many common lung conditions. Special circumstances such as eosinophilic inflammation in relation to asthma, cough, and eosinophilic bronchitis will be highlighted. Particular attention is also given to previously unrecognised role of non-acid "airway" reflux. Additionally, pharmacological, surgical and behavioural techniques for diagnostic and treatment are explored witin these chapters This book offers a comprehensive overview of various research areas in reflux in relation to airways disease, since currently there is no summary of how the different but overlapping areas impacted by reflux affect the respiratory tract. It will be of great interest to respiratory physicians, otorhinolaryngologists, and gastroenterologists. .

    Intro; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgement; Abbreviations; Contents; Part I: Pathology;
    1: Diagnostic Confusion Through the Ages; Introduction; True Flatulent Asthma; Page X; Page XXVIII; Page 5; Page 6; Page 9; Page 10; Page 23; Page 176; References;
    2: An Overview of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease; Definition and Clinical Manifestations; Epidemiology; Diagnosis; Proton Pump Inhibitor Trial; Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; Indications for First Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; Indications for Follow-Up Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; 24-h Ambulatory pH or pH-Impedance Monitoring Indications for 24-h Impedance-pH MonitoringWireless pH Monitoring; Oesophageal Manometry; Other Tests; Medical, Endoscopic and Surgical Therapy; Lifestyle Modifications; Medical Therapy; Endoluminal Therapies; Anti-reflux Surgery; Summary of the Therapeutic Approach; Status of Newer Medications; Improved Acid Suppression; Helicobacter pylori and GORD; References;
    3: Chemical Composition of Refluxate; Introduction; Overview of Gastric Secretions; Control of Gastric Secretion; The Gastric Microbiome; Refluxate and Other Non-gastric Secretions; Dietary Intake and Reflux; Summary; References
    4: Pathological ProcessesPutative Mechanisms for Reflux/Aspiration Leading to Inflammation; Animal Models; Cell Models; Human Studies; Summary; References;
    5: Pathophysiology in the Lung; Gastro Oesophageal Reflux and Aspiration Occurs Normally in Humans; Lung Diseases Associated with GOR and Aspiration; Parenchymal Disease (See Also Chap. 16); Airways Disease; COPD; Asthma; Cystic Fibrosis (CF); Non-cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis (NCFB); BOS Post Lung Transplantation; The Role of a Mixed Disciplinary Aerodigestive Team Approach; Questions Raised by This Chapter; What Is Normal? The Importance of the MicrobiomeUnderstanding Therapy; Interrelationships Between Lung and Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology: The Chicken and Egg of Reflux and Aspiration; The Role of Surgical Fundoplication; References;
    6: Effect of Reflux on Cough Sensitivity and Bronchial Responsiveness; Introduction; Reflux and Cough Reflex Sensitivity; Reflux and Bronchial Responsiveness; References; Part II: Diagnosis;
    7: Questionnaire Diagnosis of Airways Reflux; Introduction; Airway Reflux Questionnaires; Reflux Symptom Index (RSI); Supraesophageal Reflux Questionnaire (SERQ) Pharyngeal Reflux Symptom Questionnaire (PRSQ)Hull Airways Reflux Questionnaire (HARQ); Composite Questionnaires; Discussion; References;
    8: Pepsin Detection as a Diagnostic Test for Reflux Disease; Introduction; History of Reflux; History of Pepsin; Reflux Diagnostic Tests: Invasive and Non-invasive; Methods; Patient Recruitment; Sample Collection; Pepsin Analysis; Results; Discussion; References;
    9: Imaging Reflux; Introduction; X-ray; Nuclear Medicine; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; References;
    10: High Resolution Oesophageal Manometry in the Investigation of Unexplained Cough; Introduction
    Digital Access Springer 2018
  • Article
    Helson R, Mitchell V.
    Annu Rev Psychol. 1978;29:555-85.
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