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- BookBernardo Barahona Corrêa, Rutger-Jan van der Gaag, editors.Contents:
Machine generated contents note: 1. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Developmental History of a Concept / Rutger-Jan van der Gaag
2. Neurobiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders / Gabriela J. Martins
3. The Clinical Neuropsychology of ASD / Anne Geeke Lever
4. Outcomes for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability / Eddie Chaplin
5. The High-Functioning Group: High-Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome in Adults / Bernardo Barahona-Correa
6. Ageing with Autistic-Spectrum Disorder (ASD) / Barbara Maier
7. Autism in Girls and Women / Patricia van Wijngaarden-Cremers
8. Psychiatric and Neurological Problems in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders / Carlos Nunes Filipe
9. Adult Outcomes and Supported Employment Strategies / Sandra Pinho
10. The Institutional and Community Care for Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders / Jan-Pieter Teunisse
11. Sense and Sensibility: Forensic Issues with Autism Spectrum Disorders / David Murphy.Digital Access Springer 2017 - ArticleSchoenberg DG, Schoenberg BS.South Med J. 1978 Jan;71(1):69-70.