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  • Book
    edited by Sanaa M. Kamal.
    Hepatitis C virus / Ahmed Abdel Aziz
    Epidemiology and modes of transmission of HCV in developing countries / Sanaa M. Kamal and Dahlia Ghoraba
    Public health and economic burden of Hepatitis C infection in developing countries / Tamer A. Hafez
    Social, cultural, and political factors influencing HCV in developing countries / Sara A. Abdelhakam and Mohamad A. Othman
    Hepatitis C in Egypt / Sanaa M. Kamal and Sara A. Abdelhakam
    Hepatitis C in North Africa (Arabic Maghreb region) / Mohamed A. Daw
    Hepatitis C virus in sub-saharan Africa / Osi Obadahn and Sanaa M. Kamal
    Hepatitis C virus infection in the Indian sub-continent / Shashi Shekhar
    Hepatitis C in developing countries in southeast Asia / Thi Q. Doan
    Hepatitis C and schistosomisasis coinfection / Sanaa M. Kamal
    Hepatitis C and Helminthic infections / Khalifa S. Khalifa and Othman Amin
    Hepatitis C and HIV coinfection in developing countries / Ozlem Tastan Bishop
    Hepatiis B and C coinfection / Georgios Zacharakis
    Hepatitis C infection in patients with hemogloinopathies / Sanaa M.Kamal and Ahmed M. Fouad
    Hepatitis C in patients on hemodialysis / Tamer A. Hafez
    Hepatitis C screening and diagnosis in developing countries / Huda H. Gaafar
    Hepatitis C treatment in the era of direct-acting antiviral agents / Sanaa M. Kamal.
    Digital Access ScienceDirect 2018