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- BookPaola Mastrantonio, Maja Rupnik, editors.Summary: This book outlines the currently available clinical, epidemiological and experimental data on Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) with special emphasis on studies and results achieved in Europe. The incidence and severity of CDI has increased significantly over the last decade, and the book explains why C. difficile, recently reclassified as Clostridioides difficile, remains a significant challenge, also from economic perspective, to health care systems all over the world. The different reservoirs of this ubiquitous microorganism are reviewed as well as the different factors contributing to its virulence, such as toxins and biofilm formation. The rapid evolution of antibiotic resistance is clearly a concern and in a specific way can influence the CDI epidemiology. Additionally, new emerging strains and comparative genomics studies are discussed for their relevance from epidemiological and evolutionary point of view. The book also gives an overview on diagnostics, therapy and surveillance, all of which are still challenging. Therefore, a closer look is taken on the effect of probiotics as an alternative to antibiotics, for prevention and treatment of CDI. Fecal transplantation from healthy donors, passive immunotherapies and vaccines for patients with recurrences are also discussed in dedicated chapters. The book closes with a summary of the history and the achievements of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Study Group for Clostridium difficile (ESGCD) written by the current and past presidents of the Society. It is the aim of this book to raise awareness on CDI and to disseminate updated information on its prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
Foreword (P. Mastrantonio and M. Rupnik)
Economic burden of CDI in European countries (E. Reigadas and E. Bouza)
The need for European surveillance of CDI(C. Wiuff, A.Lan Banks, F. Fitzpatrick, L. Cottom)
Diagnostic guidance for C. difficile infections (M.J.T. Crobach,A.Baktash, N. Duszenko, E.J. Kuijper)
Ribotypes and new virulent strains across Europe (J. Couturier, K. Davies, C. Gateau, F. Barbut)
Comparative genomics of C. difficile strains (S. Janezic, J.R.Garneau, M. Monot)
Cellular uptake and mode-of-action of Clostridium difficile toxins (P.Papatheodorou, H. Barth, N. Minton, K. Aktories)
Clostridium difficile biofilm (C. Vuotto, G. Donelli, A. Buckley, C. Chilton)
European practice for CDI treatment (F. Fitzpatrick, M. Skally, M. Brady, K. Burns, C. Rooney, M.H. Wilcox)
Antibiotic resistances of Clostridium difficile (P. Spigaglia, P. Mastrantonio, F. Barbanti)
Probiotics for prevention and treatment of Clostridium difficile infection (L. Valdes Varela, M. Gueimonde, P. Ruas-Madiedo)
Faecal microbiota transplantation as emerging treatment in European countries (M. Maida, J. McIlroy, G. Ianiro, G. Cammarota)
Immunization strategies against Clostridium difficile (J.F. Bruxelle, S. PinA. Collignon)
Non-human C. difficile reservoirs and sources: animals, food, environment (C. Rodriguez Diaz, C. Seyboldt , M. Rupnik)
The ESCMIDStudy Group for Clostridium difficile: history, role and perspectives (J.E. Coia and E.J. Kuijper). - ArticleGrossi G, Macchiato M, Gialanella G, Cascino A.Eur J Biochem. 1977 Oct 17;80(1):73-7.In order to investigate the dependency of late transcription on concurrent DNA replication during bacteriophage T4 development, we analyzed the endonucleolytic cleavage kinetics of the DNA of a T4 mutant lacking DNA polymerase, DNA ligase and exonuclease by using the sucrose gradient sedimentation technique. Our results can be summarized as follows. 1. The single-strand endonucleolytic cleavage of the T4 mutant DNA is not a random process. 2. The number of single-strand nicks reaches a plateau level of 10--12 nicks/molecule. 3. The occurrence of a double-strand break is delayed and their number is at any time lower than the number of single-strand nicks. 4. The circular permutation T4 genome, as computer-simulated by the Monte Carlo method, produces a smoothing of the discrete distribution which would be expected if nicks were localized in the promoter sites of late transcription units. We conclude that our findings support the model which relates single-strand DNA nicks to the late transcription initiation sites.