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  • Book
    edited by Kevin Durkin, H. Rudolph Schaffer.
    1. Editorial Introduction: On giving developmental psychology away Kevin Durkin and H. Rudolph Schaffer
    2. The role of popular literature in influencing parents' behavior Penelope Leach
    3. Opportunities and obstacles in giving away research on marital conflict and children E. Mark Cummings, W. Brad Faircloth, Patricia M. Mitchell, Kathleen McCoy and Alice C. Schermerhorn
    4. Implementing a preventive parenting program with families of young children: Challenges and solutions Angela D. Moreland & Jean E. Dumas
    5. Parenting information and advice and the mass media Matthew R Sanders and Rachel Calam
    6. Children of lesbian and gay parents: Reflections on the research-policy interface Charlotte J. Patterson and Rachel H. Farr.
    7. Child care at the nexus of practice, policy, and research Christina Hardway and Kathleen McCartney
    8. Teenage childbearing in the U.S.: Do our programs and policies reflect our knowledge base? Anne Martin and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn PART TWO: EDUCATIONAL ASPECTS
    9. The trials and tribulations of changing how reading is taught in schools: Synthetic phonics and the educational backlash Rhona S Johnston and Joyce E Watson
    10. Giving away early mathematics: Big Math for Little Kids encounters the complex world of early education Herbert P. Ginsburg and Barbrina B. Ertle
    11. Avoiding the psychologist's fallacy in using what we have learned about children's moral development to address moral education Larry Nucci and Marcy J. Hochberg
    12. Toward a truly democratic civics education Charles C. Helwig and Shaogang Yang
    13. Research and practice in the study of school bullying Peter K. Smith
    14. Promoting pedestrian skill development in young children: Implementation of a national community-centred behavioral training scheme James A. Thomson
    15. Researcher-practitioner partnerships in the development of intervention to reduce prejudice among children Lyndsey Cameron and Adam Rutland PART THREE: CLINICAL ASPECTS
    16. What do we know and why does it matter? The dissemination of evidence-based interventions for child maltreatment Dante Cicchetti, Sheree L. Toth, Wendy J. Nilsen, and Jody Todd Manly
    17. Language impairment and adolescent outcomes Gina Conti-Ramsden and Kevin Durkin
    18. Translating models of adolescent problem behavior into effective intervention: Trials, tribulations and future directions Thomas J. Dishion and Miwa Yasui
    19. Giving away knowledge about children's mental health: Challenges and opportunities Janice Cooper & Jane Knitzer Index .
    Digital Access Wiley 2016
  • Article
    Kozhukhov AN, Meĭren DV, Gilev AP.
    Biull Eksp Biol Med. 1977 Jun;83(6):734-6.
    The pharmacokinetics of phthorafur-2-14C (Ph) was investigated after its intravenous injection to rats with Walker carcinosarcoma. The blood plasma level of Ph-2-14C and its metabolites proved to decrease in to a three-phase process. The content of the agent in the tissues decreased in the following sequence: the kidney, small intestine, tumour, stomach, muscle, heart, liver, lungs, spleen, brain and fat. The tumour was observed to contain Ph-2-14C and endogenous metabolite 5-phthoruracil-2-14C. Excretion of the agent continued for 48 hrs, 52.2% of the administered dose being eliminated via the urinary tract, 30% as 14CO2, and 0.8% in feces.
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