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  • Book
    Joachim P. Sturmberg, editor.
    Part I. The foundations of systems and complexity medicine
    1. Heath and disease as emergent processes
    2. The technological advances behind systems medicine
    3. Individualized care
    today and tomorrow
    Part II. The complexity of common diseases
    4. Multi-organ physiology
    5. Infectious diseases
    6. Cancer
    7. Heart disease, diabetes and obesity
    8. Neurodegenerative diseases
    9. Multi-morbidity
    Part III. Ethics and Education
    the Challenges for Systems-based Medicine
    10. Learning to cope in a complex adaptive environment
    11. Regulatory and legal challenges
    12. Ethical implication of systems medicine
    Part IV. Change in an Adaptive Organization
    13. The dynamics of change
    14. Flexible interdisciplinary teams
    15. Health care
    a whole of society perspective.
    Digital Access Springer 2016
  • Article
    Ursing J.
    Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand B. 1977 Feb;85B(1):61-6.
    The biochemical reactions of 18 anaerogenic and 45 aerogenic isolates of Enterobacter agglomerans are described and used for subdivision in the biogroups suggested by Ewing & Fife. The presence of special cultural characteristics (symplasmata and biconvex bodies) was also recorded and was found to be unrelated to formation of gas from glucose. Previous authors have reported such structures in anaerogenic cultures only. The amount of gas produced varied to a great extent between strains and also proved to be dependent on incubation temperature. The results do not support the division of E. agglomerans into one anaerogenic and one aerogenic major subgroup. The value of the gelatin liquefaction test for characterization of the species is emphasized.
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