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  • Article
    Androsov VV, Vysotskiĭ VV.
    Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. 1977(1):94-9.
    The author studied the ultrastructure of two spherical E. coli K12 mutants (llr) obtained under the effect of N-nitroso-N-methylurea. Seven morphological types of cells differing from one another by shape, size and cytoarchitectonics were distinguished. Superficial structures of the majority of the cells were represented by the membranes of the cell wall and the cytoplasmic membrane of common structure. Some of the cells had only one membrane coat and a high electron optic density of the cytoplasm. Transitional forms of cells were also encountered. The ultrastructure of each morphological type in the population of the llr-mutants was described in detail. The capacity of the mutants to vacuolization, to the intra- and extracellular budding, and also the ability to form multiple membrane structures resembled analogous structures of stable L-forms of the Gram-negative microbes. The problems of morphological differentiation of the L-forms and of the llr-mutants, and also problems connected with the formation of the multiple membrane structures and small elemental bodies in the cells of the llr-mutants are discussed.
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