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- BookMieczyslaw Pokorski, editor.Contents:
Growth, nutritional status, and pulmonary function in children with chronic recurrent bronchitis
Next-generation sequencing of 5' untranslated region of hepatitis C virus in search of minor viral variant in a patient who revealed new genotype while on antiviral treatment
Swelling of erectile nasal tissue induced by human sexual pheromone
Influenza vaccination coverage rate for medical staff: influence of hospital-based vaccination campaign
Relationships between tobacco abuse and self-assessment of health
The role of inspiratory muscle training in the process of rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Socioeconomic effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from the public payer's perspective in Poland
Costs of treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Coexpression of galanin and nestin in the chemoreceptor cells of the human carotid body
Prosthetic rehabilitation of patients after surgical treatment of maxillary tumors with respect to upper airway protection
Respiratory toxicity of dimethyl sulfoxide.Digital Access Springer 2016 - ArticleSilvers WK, Wachtel SS.Science. 1977 Mar 11;195(4282):956-60.The factors are reviewed which affect the expression of H-Y antigen, a cell surface component that has been extensively analyzed in mice but which may be ubiquitous in all vertebrates. The phylogenetic stability of this antigen and its association with the Y chromosome indicate an important role in primary sex determination.