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    Naaktgeboren N, Roobol K, Voorma HO.
    Eur J Biochem. 1977 Jan 03;72(1):49-56.
    By means of exchange studies, in which 3H-labelled 50-S subunits and unlabelled 70-S ribosomes from Escherichia coli MRE 600 were used, it has been demonstrated that the 30-S subunit is the only target for IF-3 in the dissociation of 70-S ribosomes. The interference of IF-3 with the dynamic equilibrium of 70-S in equilibrium 50-S + 30-S occurs by binding of the factor to the 30-S subunit. The 30-S-IF-3 complex in impaired in the association reaction, which implies that IF-3 is acting as an anti-association factor. The action of IF-1 is two-fold. Firstly IF-1 increases the rate of exhcange of the ribosomal subparticles in the 70-S ribosome without changing the position of the equilibrium. Thus the spontaneous equilibrium is attained more rapidly in the presence of IF-1. This kinetic effect of IF-1 is also demonstrated in the IF-3-mediated dissociation of 70-S ribosomes. Secondly IF-1 is able to increase the IF-3-mediated dissociation. It seems likely that the explanation for the latter phenomenon must be sought in the binding of IF-1 to 70-S ribosomes, resulting in a loosening of the ribosomes structure, as well as to 30-S. IF-3 complex, thaereby slowing down the association reactions of the subunits.
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