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- Bookedited by Mark T. Quinn, Frank R. DeLeo.Contents:
The role of neutrophils in the immune system : an overview / Harry L. Malech, Frank R. DeLeo, and Mark T. Quinn
Isolation of human neutrophils from venous blood / William M. Nausef
Neutrophil isolation from nonhuman species / Daniel W. Siemsen ... [and 7 others]
Collection of in vivo transmigrated neutrophils from human skin / Karin Christenson ... [and 6 others]
Subcellular fractionation of human neutrophils and analysis of subcellular markers / Stine Novrup Clemmensen, Lene Udby, and Niels Borregaard
Rho family and Rap GTPase activation assays / Richard T. Jennings and Ulla G. Knaus
Measurement of phospholipid metabolism in intact neutrophils / Susan Sergeant and Linda C. McPhail
Optical methods for the measurement and manipulation of cytosolic calcium signals in neutrophils / Maurice B. Hallett, Maha Al-Jumaa, and Sharon Dewitt
Analysis of electrophysiological properties and responses of neutrophils / Deri Morgan and Thomas E. DeCoursey
Assessment of neutrophil apoptosis / David A. Dorward ... [and 3 others]
Microinjection methods for neutrophils / Iraj Laffafian ... [and 3 others]
Generation of functionally mature neutrophils from induced pluripotent stem cells / Colin L. Sweeney ... [and 6 others]
Neutrophil migration through extracellular matrix / Richard T. Jennings and Ulla G. Knaus
Spinning disk confocal imaging of neutrophil migration in zebrafish / Pui-Ying Lam ... [and 4 others]
Detection of bidirectional signaling during integrin activation and neutrophil adhesion / Stuart M. Altman, Neha Dixit, and Scott I. Simon
Immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy of neutrophils / Lee-Ann H. Allen
Expressin of genetically encoded fluorescent probes to monitor phospholipid dynamics in live neutrophils / Benjamin E. Steinberg, Marco A.O. Magalhaes, and Sergio Grinstein
Quantitative assessment of neutrophil phagocytosis using flow cytometry / Pontus Nordenfelt
Analysis of neutrophil bactericidal activity / Heather A. Parker ... [and 4 others]
Induction and quantification of neutrophil extracellular traps / Alejandro Sanchez Gonzalez ... [and 3 others]
Measurement of respiratory burst products, released or retained, during activation of professional phagocytes / Johan Bylund ... [and 4 others]
Cell-free NADPH oxidase activation assays : "In vitro veritas" / Edgar Pick
Assessment of priming of the human neutrophil respiratory burst / Margarita Hurtado-Nedelec ... [and 4 others]
Affinity pruification and reconstitution of human phagocyte flavocytochrome b for detection of conformational dynamics in the membrane / Marcia Riesselman and Algirdas J. Jesaitis
Evaluation of p47phox phosphorylation in human neutrophils using phospho-specicfic antibodies / Sahra Amel Belambri, Pham My-Chan Dang, and Jamel El-Benna
Genome-scale transcript analyses with human neutrophils / Scott D. Kobayashi, Daniel E. Sturdevant, and Frank R. DeLeo
Fast and accurate quantitative analysis of cytokine gene expression in human neutrophils / Nicola Tamassia, Marco A. Cassatella, and Flavia Bazzoni
High-purity neutrophil isolation from human peripheral blood and saliva for transcriptome analysis / Flavia S. Lakschevitz and Michael Glogauer
Detection of intact transciption factors in human neutrophils / Patrick P. McDonald and Richard D. Ye
Disorders of neutrophil function : an overview / Mary C. Dinauer
Diagnostic assays for chronic granulomatous disease and other neutrophil disorders / Houda Zghal Elloumi and Steven M. Holland
Diagnostic assays for myeloperoxidase and myeloperoxidase deficiency / William M. Nauseef.Digital Access Springer 2014 - ArticleChaieb JA, Chatkin JM, Fritscher CC, Tonietto V.AMB Rev Assoc Med Bras. 1979 Jul;25(7):250-2.
- BookJanusz Korczak [i.e. Henryk Goldszmit].Contents: <br/
>1. Wielka synteza dziecka, oto co mi się śnilo.-
-2. Praktyka to moje życie.-
-3. Otwórzmy wrota szkoły szeroko.-
-4. Jestem człowiekiem samotnej drogi.Print 1978