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- BookMichael Ola Idowu, Catherine Isabelle Dumur, Carleton Theodore Garrett, editors.Contents:
Part I. Overview of Basic Cellular Biology
1. Normal molecular biology and definition of terms
2. Pathologic changes: Chromosomes, genes, DNA, RNA and proteins
3. Standard nomenclature
introduction and brief overview
Part II. Molecular Oncology Methodology
4. General principles of Oncology testing
5. Molecular methodologies
6. General principles of validating a molecular test
Part III. Molecular testing in Solid Tumors
7. Lung and mediastinum
8. Breast
9. Head and neck (salivary glands)
10. Thyroid and parathyroid (endocrine)
11. Gastrointestinal and Pancreatobiliary
12. Soft tissue
13. Genitourinary system
14. Central Nervous System
15. Skin and adnexa
16. Common Hereditary Cancer Syndromes
Part IV. The future is here
17. Application of next generation sequencing
Part V. Quality Assurance and Regulatory affairs
18. Quality Assurance
pre-analytic, analytic and post-analytic
19. Regulatory affairs (including accreditation)
20. Coding and re-imbursement.Digital Access Springer 2015 - ArticleLoffredo A, Cennamo G, Sammartino A.J Fr Ophtalmol. 1979 Dec;2(12):723-6.The authors report a case of posterior dislocation of the lens during the natural history of a clinical case of herpes zoster. An echographic B-scan study was carried out to reveal the position and the size and the shape of dislocated lens, together with its structure and that of ocular media. After a discussion on the possible aetiology of the lens dislocation it was considered due to herpes zoster disease, and are reported the possible mechanism of zonula alteration.
- Bookedited by G. Liptay.Contents: <br/
>1. Diagrams 1-50.-
-2. 51-125.-
-3. 126-200.-
-4. 201-275.-
-5. 276-350.Print 1971