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- Bookedited by Renata Basto and Wallace F. Marshall.Contents:
Imaging centrosomes and cilia in the mouse kidney / Masato Hoshi, Jinzhi Wang, Sanjay Jain, Moe R. Mahjoub
Ependymal cell differentiation, from monociliated to multiciliated cells / Nathalie Delgehyr, Alice Meunier, Marion Faucourt, Montserrat Bosch Grau, Laetitia Strehl, Carsten Janke, Nathalie Spassky
Observing planar cell polarity in multiciliated mouse airway epithelial cells / Eszter K. Vladar, Yin Loon Lee, Tim Stearns, Jeffrey D. Axelrod
Imaging and analyzing primary cilia in cardiac cells / Nicolas Diguet, Jean-Francois Le Garrec, Tommaso Lucchesi, Sigolene M. Meilhac
Cilia in photoreceptors / Linjing Li, Manisha Anand, Kollu Nageswara Rao, Hemant Khanna
Analysis of primary cilia in the developing mouse brain / Judith T.M.L. Paridaen, Wieland B. Huttner, Michaela Wilsch-Brauninger
In vivo investigation of cilia structure and function using Xenopus / Eric R. Brooks, John B. Wallingford
A quantitative approach to study endothelial cilia bending stiffness during blood flow mechanodetection in-vivo / Francesco Boselli, Jacky G. Goetz, Gilles Charvin, Julien Vermot
Quantitative description of fluid flows produced by left-right cilia in zebrafish / Craig Fox, M. Lisa Manning, Jeffrey D. Amack
Efficient live fluorescence imaging of intraflagellar transport in mammalian primary cilia / Hiroaki Ishikawa, Wallace F. Marshall
Analysis of soluble protein entry into primary cilia using semipermeabilized cells / David K. Breslow, Maxence V. Nachury
Methods for imaging individual cilia in living echinoid embryos / Robert L. Morris, Hans W. Pope, Adam N. Sholi, Leah M. Williams, Chelsea R. Ettinger, Gwendolyn M. Beacham, Tatsushi Shintaku, Zachary D. Abbott, Elyse M. Doherty
The planarian Schmidtea mediterranea as a model for studying motile cilia and multiciliated cells / Cyril Basquin, Anne-Marie Orfila, Juliette Azimzadeh
Quantitative analysis of flagellar proteins in Drosophila sperm tails / Teresa Mendes Maia, Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Renata Basto
Imaging cilia in Drosophila melanogaster / Jennifer Vieillard, Jean-Luc Duteyrat, Elisabeth Cortier, Benedicte Durand
Studying G protein-coupled receptors: Immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation, phosphorylation, surface labeling, and cross-linking protocols / Kasturi Pal, Hemant Badgandi, Saikat Mukhopadhyay
Image analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans ciliary transition zone structure, ultrastructure, molecular composition and function / Anna A. W. M. Sanders, Julie Kennedy, Oliver E. Blacque
Genetic and genomic approaches to identify genes involved in flagellar assembly in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii / Huawen Lin, Susan K. Dutcher
Axonemal motility in Chlamydomonas / Ken-ichi Wakabayashi, Ritsu Kamiya
Posttranscriptional control over rapid development and ciliogenesis in marsilea / Stephen M. Wolniak, Thomas C. Boothby, Corine M. van der Weele
Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy of intraflagellar transport in tetrahymena thermophila / Yu-Yang Jiang, Karl Lechtreck, Jacek Gaertig
Ciliary heterogeneity within a single cell : the paramecium model / Anne Aubusson-Fleury, Jean Cohen, Michel Lemullois
Imaging intraflagellar transport in trypanosomes / Julien Santi-Rocca, Nicolas Chenouard, Cécile Fort, Thibault Lagache, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, Philippe Bastin
Scanning and three-dimensional electron microscopy methods for the study of trypanosoma brucei and leishmania mexicana flagella / Eva Gluenz, Richard John Wheeler, Louise Hughes, Sue Vaughan.Digital Access ScienceDirect 2015 - ArticleKosnai I, Kuitunen P, Siimes MA.Arch Dis Child. 1979 May;54(5):375-8.24 children in whom coeliac disease had been diagnosed between one and 10 years earlier were re-examined for intestinal loss of iron and activity of the disease. Mild iron deficiency by laboratory criteria and by response to iron medication was common. The children with biopsy evidence of flat mucosa or intraepithelial lymphocytosis had a greater iron loss in their stools than those patients with normal, or almost normal, histology. The data suggest that loss of iron was mainly due to intestinal blood loss rather than to shedding of mucosal cells. We conclude that treatment with iron is indicated in many children with coeliac disease as the increased losses of iron persist for long periods although absorption of iron seems to improve or be negligibly affected.