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  • Book
    Selva Baltan, S. Thomas Carmichael, Carlos Matute, Guohua Xi, John H Zhang, editors.
    Summary: The first book to provide a systematic expert summary of normal white matter morphology as well as white matter injury following stroke and other CNS injuries. White matter injury can result from both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke as well as a host of other CNS diseases and conditions such as neonatal injuries, neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's disease, traumatic brain injuries, carbon monoxide poisoning, and drug or alcohol overdoses. The extent of white matter injury is extremely important to patient outcomes. Several recent technological developments including advanced neuroimaging and the breeding of new rodent models of white matter injury have provided growing insight into initial damage and repair after a stroke or other damaging event.

    Part I. White Matter and Evaluation
    1. White Matter: Basic Principles of Axonal Organization and Function / Alexander Velumian and Marina Samoilova
    2. White Matter Injury and Potential Treatment in Ischemic Stroke / Mingke Song, Anna Woodbury, and Shan Ping Yu
    3. CADASIL and Animal Models / Francesco Blasi, Anand Viswanathan, and Cenk Ayata
    4. Neuroimaging of White Matter Injury: A Multimodal Approach to Vascular Disease / Gary A. Rosenberg, Branko Huisa, Fakhreya Y. Jalal, and Yi Yang
    5. Diffusion MRI Biomarkers of White Matter Damage in Traumatic Brain Injury / Maria Ly, Samuel Ji, and Michael A. Yassa
    Part II. White Matter Injury in Stroke and Other CNS Disorders
    6. Mechanisms Underlying the Selective Vulnerability of Developing Human White Matter / Paul A. Rosenberg
    7. Neonatal Experimental White Matter Injury / Zhengwei Cai
    8. Focal Ischemic White Matter Injury in Experimental Models / Robert Fern
    9. White Matter Injury in Global Cerebral Ischemia / Shinichi Nakao and Yan Xu
    10. Experimental Global Ischemia and White Matter Injury / Ji Hae Seo, Kazuhide Hayakawa, Nobukazu Miyamoto, Takakuni Maki, Loc-Duyen D. Pham, Eng H. Lo, and Ken Arai
    11. White Matter Injury After Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage / Kenneth R. Wagner
    12. White Matter Repair in Subcortical Stroke / Elif G. Sözmen and S. Thomas Carmichael
    13. White Matter Injury in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Humans / Gian Marco De Marchis and Stephan A. Mayer
    14. Degenerative Brain Diseases and White Matter Injury / George Bartzokis and Po H. Lu
    15. Unmyelinated and Myelinated Axons Exhibit Differential Injury and Treatment Responses Following Traumatic Injury / Thomas M. Reeves, Adele E. Doperalski, and Linda L. Phillips
    16. Age-Dependent Mechanisms of White Matter Injury After Stroke / Selva Baltan
    17. White Matter Damage in Multiple Sclerosis / María Victoria Sánchez-Gómez, Fernando Pérez-Cerdá, and Carlos Matute
    Part III. Pathophysiology of White Matter Injury
    18. Calcium Dyshomeostasis in White Matter Injury / Elena Alberdi, Asier Ruiz, and Carlos Matute
    19. Inflammation and White Matter Injury in Animal Models of Ischemic Stroke / Lyanne C. Schlichter, Sarah Hutchings, and Starlee Lively
    20. Oxidative Stress in White Matter Injury / Hideyuki Yoshioka, Takuma Wakai, Hiroyuki Kinouchi, and Pak H. Chan
    21. Acute Axonal Injury in White Matter Stroke / Jason D. Hinman and S. Thomas Carmichael
    Part IV. Other White Matter Injuries
    22. The Interplay Between White Matter, Mitochondria, and Neuroprotection / R. Anne Stetler, Rehana K. Leak, Zheng Jing, Xiaoming Hu, Yanqin Gao, Guodong Cao, and Jun Chen
    23. Heavy Metals and White Matter Injury / Yang V. Li
    24. Anesthesia and White Matter Injury / Phillip Vlisides and Zhongcong Xie.
    Digital Access Springer 2014
  • Article
    Pinckers A, Lion F, Notting JG.
    Ophthalmologica. 1977;176(3):160-3.
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