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- BookLyle Micheli, Cynthia Stein, Michael O'Brien, Pierre d'Hemecourt, editors.Summary: Spinal Injuries and Conditions in Young Athletes provides a comprehensive, in-depth review of the mechanisms and management of back injuries and problems occurring in this ever-growing and active population. Led by Dr. Lyle Micheli and his co-editors, an award-winning group of orthopedists discusses and explores common adolescent spine injuries and procedures, in addition to breakthroughs in gene therapy, tissue engineering, and complex operations. As spine surgery is among the most complex and challenging procedures performed in orthopedics, special considerations and procedures are required in pediatric populations. Since many corrective surgeries run the risk of arthritis later in life, particular efforts must be made in young populations to prevent future injury in a child's adolescence and young adulthood while maximizing return-to-play potential. Chapters cover acute spinal injuries, concussions, overuse injuries, spinal malformations, tumors, infections and inflammatory diseases across the range of athletics, including swimming and combat sports. Spinal Injuries and Conditions in Young Athletes provides an immeasurable guide for back surgery in pediatric populations and will be a go-to resource for practitioners and residents in pediatric orthopedics and sports medicine.
1. Anatomy and Development of the Young Spine / Brian A. Kelly and Brian Snyder
2. The Young Athlete's Spinal Mechanics / Robert A. Donatelli and Michael S. Thurner
3. Acute Thoracic and Lumbar Injuries / Michael P. Glotzbecker and Daniel J. Hedequist
4. Acute Cervical Spine Injuries / Robert V. Cantu and Robert C. Cantu
5. Concussion in Youth Sports / Cynthia J. Stein and William P. Meehan III
6. Adolescent Overuse Spine Injuries / Michael O'Brien and Pierre d'Hemecourt
7. Throwing Sports and Injuries Involving the Young Athlete's Spine / Peter Kriz
8. Spine Injuries in Collision/Heavy Contact Sports / Deborah I. Light and Hamish A. Kerr
9. Spine Injuries in the Aesthetic Athlete / Bridget J. Quinn
10. Swimming and the Spine / Erika B. Persson and Merrilee Zetaruk
11. Spinal Injuries in Combat Sports / Merrilee Zetaruk
12. Principles of Rehabilitation / Michellina Cassella, Carl Gustafson and Pierre d'Hemecourt
13. Congenital Spine Malformations and Sports Implications / Kristin S. Livingston and John B. Emans
14. The Young Athlete with Down Syndrome / Benjamin J. Shore
15. Spinal Deformity: Presentation, Treatment and Return to Sport / M. Timothy Hresko
16. Intrinsic Spinal Cord Abnormalities in Sport / Edward R. Smith and Mark R. Proctor
17. Metabolic Spinal Disorders in the Young Athlete / Naomi J. Brown and Kathryn E. Ackerman
18. Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases Affecting the Young Athlete's Spine / Lionel N. Metz, Derek Thomas Ward and Aenor J. Sawyer
19. Spine Tumors in the Young Athlete / Megan E. Anderson
20. Return to Play After Spinal Surgery / Robert G. Watkins, III and Robert G. Watkins, IV
21. Adaptive Sport / David M. Popoli
22. The Spine in Skeletal Dysplasia / Lawrence I. Karlin. - ArticleSchega W.MMW Munch Med Wochenschr. 1978 Apr 28;720(17):583-6.The aim of every German surgeon is to ensure an optimal quality of performance in every sphere of surgical activity in the German Federal Republic. Cooperation of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (German Surgical Society) and the Berufsverband der Deutschen Chirurgen (professional association of German surgeons) is intended to achieve this aim by a system which offers all surgeons working independently in clinics, hospitals and private practice the possibility, on an absolutely voluntary basis, for data on their methods of treatment and results to be recorded centrally and stored in such a way that a comparison of certain criteria of quality assessment of their work is available for them. In the event of a marked difference in quality, an advisory committee of experienced surgeons specially appointed with the confidence of all involved should try to clarify the reason for this on the spot and seek ways to help.