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- ArticlePotworowski EF, Fournier M, Zollinger L, Teodorczyk JA.Ann Immunol (Paris). 1977 Jan-Mar;128(1-2):407-12.The role played by different components of thymic microenvironment in T-cell-maturation is examined: antibodies to a soluble thymic factor (STF) were thus shown to inhibit T-cell maturation in the chicken while incubation of bursal "null" cells with STF could induce the differentiation of some of them into T cells. In addition to STF, whose properties resemble those of other soluble thymic factors, an insoluble thymic factor (ITF) is described: it is localized mainly in membranes associated with medullary blood vessels, and its injection to mice provokes an influx of marrow stem cells into the thymus.