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  • Article
    Lilliehöök B, Jacobsson H, Blomgren H.
    Scand J Immunol. 1975 Sep;4(5-6):463-9.
    Lymphocytes from mice of strain CBA are strongly MLC-responsive to lymphocytes from the H-2-compatible but M-antigen-incompatible strain C3H. This strong reactivity disappears after infusion of CBA mice with C3H lymphocytes. This study shows that the host-versus-graft reactivity (swelling of local lymph node after antigen injection) is specifically reduced after injection of CBA mice with C3H times CBA spleen cells. However, lymphocytes from such mice showed a specifically increased GVH reactivity (inhibition of erythroid cell growth) compared with lymphocytes from unimmunized mice. Lymphocytes from normal CBA mice showed a high proliferative rate in the spleens of irradiated C3H times CBA mice. Such 'educated' cells showed strongly increased specific GVH reactivity. Lymphocytes from CBA mice previously injected with C3H times CBA cells showed reduced capacity to proliferate when injected into irradiated C3H times CBA hybrids and a poor capacity to develop new 'effector' cells reactive against C3H times CBA bone marrow target cells. The results indicate that the presence of specifically 'MLC-responsive' lymphocytes in a lymphoid cell population is a prerequisite of its production of 'effector' cells able to respond in this GVH assay.
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