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  • Article
    Assayag E, Zadok D, Carmel M, Abulafia A, Weill Y.
    Cureus. 2024 Dec;16(12):e76013.
    Keratoconus is a progressive corneal ectasia that may lead to severe visual impairment. Superior keratoconus (SK) is an uncommon form of the disease, and few cases have been reported thus far. We present an unusual SK case and a literature review of this rare diagnosis. A 49-year-old man presented to the ophthalmology clinic complaining of decreased vision in his right eye. Previous medical and ocular histories included medically treated attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and keratoconus, which were diagnosed only in adulthood. A dense posterior subcapsular cataract was observed in the right eye. Corneal tomography revealed bilateral asymmetric SK, which was more severe in the right eye. The patient demonstrated unique eye-rubbing habits, which helped him cope with his ADHD symptoms and correlated with the keratoconus severity in each eye. In a literature review, 11 previously published cases of SK were summarized, none of which were associated with ADHD or included ipsilateral cataracts as in our patient. In conclusion, ADHD may cause repetitive eye rubbing and subsequent uncommon corneal ectatic changes, such as SK. Early recognition and characterization of eye rubbing can be crucial in detecting coexisting mental and ocular disorders.
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    Chen J, Liu D, Zeng L, Jia ZJ, Cheng G, Xiao X, Zhang L.
    BMJ Open. 2024 05 30;14(5):e076013.
    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to analyse the current status, trends and risk factors of disease burden from 1990 to 2019 among Chinese children.
    DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: It was a retrospective study on data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 (GBD 2019). Data of disease burden and risk factors were extracted from the GBD 2019. Children were divided into two groups of <5 and 5-14 years. Data were analysed using GBD results query tool, Excel and Pareto analysis.
    PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) and deaths.
    RESULTS: The overall disease burden for both children <5 years and those aged 5-14 years significantly decreased from 1990 to 2019. For children aged <5 years, in 2019, the leading cause of deaths and DALYs were 'neonatal disorders', and the top risk factor was 'low birth weight'. Compared with data of 1990, the ranking of causes of deaths and DALYs in 2019 saw the most significant increase for 'HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections' and 'skin and subcutaneous diseases' respectively. Conversely, the ranking of deaths/DALYs causes that dropped most significantly was 'nutritional deficiencies'. For children aged 5-14, in 2019, the leading deaths and DALYs causes were 'unintentional injuries' and 'mental disorders' respectively. The top risk factors were 'alcohol use' and 'short gestation', respectively. The ranking of deaths and DALYs causes rose most significantly were 'HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections' and 'neonatal disorders', respectively. Conversely, the ranking of deaths causes that dropped most significantly were 'other infectious diseases', 'enteric infections' and 'nutritional deficiencies'. For DALYs, the causes that dropped most significantly in ranking were 'other infectious diseases'.
    CONCLUSIONS: The disease burden of children has significantly changed from 1990 to 2019, with notable differences between children aged <5 and 5-14 years. To optimise the allocation of health resources, it is necessary to adjust management strategies based on the latest disease burden.
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    Du E, He H, Zeng N, Sun M, Guo Y, Wu J, Liu S, Ma H.
    J Biomed Opt. 2014;19(7):76013.
    Polarization measurements allow one to enhance the imaging contrast of superficial tissues and obtain new polarization sensitive parameters for better descriptions of the micro- and macro- structural and optical properties of complex tissues. Since the majority of cancers originate in the epithelial layer, probing the morphological and pathological changes in the superficial tissues using an expended parameter set with improved contrast will assist in early clinical detection of cancers. We carry out Mueller matrix imaging on different cancerous tissues to look for cancer specific features. Using proper scattering models and Monte Carlo simulations, we examine the relationship between the microstructures of the samples, which are represented by the parameters of the scattering model and the characteristic features of the Mueller matrix. This study gives new clues on the contrast mechanisms of polarization sensitive measurements for different cancers and may provide new diagnostic techniques for clinical applications.
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  • Article
    Ording AG, Garne JP, Nyström PM, Frøslev T, Sørensen HT, Lash TL.
    PLoS One. 2013;8(10):e76013.
    BACKGROUND: Survival of breast cancer patients with comorbidity, compared to those without comorbidity, has been well characterized. The interaction between comorbid diseases and breast cancer, however, has not been well-studied.
    METHODS: From Danish nationwide medical registries, we identified all breast cancer patients between 45 and 85 years of age diagnosed from 1994 to 2008. Women without breast cancer were matched to the breast cancer patients on specific comorbid diseases included in the Charlson comorbidity Index (CCI). Interaction contrasts were calculated as a measure of synergistic effect on mortality between comorbidity and breast cancer.
    RESULTS: The study included 47,904 breast cancer patients and 237,938 matched comparison women. In the first year, the strongest interaction between comorbidity and breast cancer was observed in breast cancer patients with a CCI score of ≥4, which accounted for 29 deaths per 1000 person-years. Among individual comorbidities, dementia interacted strongly with breast cancer and accounted for 148 deaths per 1000 person-years within one year of follow-up. There was little interaction between comorbidity and breast cancer during one to five years of follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: There was substantial interaction between comorbid diseases and breast cancer, affecting mortality. Successful treatment of the comorbid diseases or the breast cancer can delay mortality caused by this interaction in breast cancer patients.
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  • Article
    Kennedy GT, Lentsch GR, Trieu B, Ponticorvo A, Saager RB, Durkin AJ.
    J Biomed Opt. 2017 07 01;22(7):76013.
    Tissue simulating phantoms can provide a valuable platform for quantitative evaluation of the performance of diffuse optical devices. While solid phantoms have been developed for applications related to characterizing exogenous fluorescence and intrinsic chromophores such as hemoglobin and melanin, we report the development of a poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) tissue phantom that mimics the spectral characteristics of tissue water. We have developed these phantoms to mimic different water fractions in tissue, with the purpose of testing new devices within the context of clinical applications such as burn wound triage. Compared to liquid phantoms, cured PDMS phantoms are easier to transport and use and have a longer usable life than gelatin-based phantoms. As silicone is hydrophobic, 9606 dye was used to mimic the optical absorption feature of water in the vicinity of 970 nm. Scattering properties are determined by adding titanium dioxide, which yields a wavelength-dependent scattering coefficient similar to that observed in tissue in the near-infrared. Phantom properties were characterized and validated using the techniques of inverse adding-doubling and spatial frequency domain imaging. Results presented here demonstrate that we can fabricate solid phantoms that can be used to simulate different water fractions
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  • Article
    Brill N, Wirtz M, Merhof D, Tingart M, Jahr H, Truhn D, Schmitt R, Nebelung S.
    J Biomed Opt. 2016 07 01;21(7):76013.
    Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) is a light-based, high-resolution, real-time, noninvasive, and nondestructive imaging modality yielding quasimicroscopic cross-sectional images of cartilage. As yet, comprehensive parameterization and quantification of birefringence and tissue properties have not been performed on human cartilage. PS-OCT and algorithm-based image analysis were used to objectively grade human cartilage degeneration in terms of surface irregularity, tissue homogeneity, signal attenuation, as well as birefringence coefficient and band width, height, depth, and number. Degeneration-dependent changes were noted for the former three parameters exclusively, thereby questioning the diagnostic value of PS-OCT in the assessment of human cartilage degeneration.
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    Salehi H, Collart-Dutilleul PY, Gergely C, Cuisinier FJ.
    J Biomed Opt. 2015 Jul;20(7):076013.
    Regenerative medicine brings promising applications for mesenchymal stem cells, such as dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs). Confocal Raman microscopy, a noninvasive technique, is used to study osteogenic differentiation of DPSCs. Integrated Raman intensities in the 2800 to 3000 cm⁻¹ region (C-H stretching) and the 960  cm⁻¹ peak (ν₁ PO₄³⁻) were collected (to image cells and phosphate, respectively), and the ratio of two peaks 1660 over 1690  cm⁻¹ (amide I bands) to measure the collagen cross-linking has been calculated. Raman spectra of DPSCs after 21 days differentiation reveal several phosphate peaks: ν₁ (first stretching mode) at 960  cm⁻¹, ν₂ at 430  cm⁻¹, and ν₄ at 585  cm⁻¹ and collagen cross-linking can also be calculated. Confocal Raman microscopy enables monitoring osteogenic differentiation in vitro and can be a credible tool for clinical stem cell based research.
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  • Article
    Lau C, Mirkovic J, Yu CC, O'Donoghue GP, Galindo L, Dasari R, de las Morenas A, Feld M, Stier E.
    J Biomed Opt. 2013 Jul;18(7):76013.
    Quantitative spectroscopy has recently been extended from a contact-probe to wide-area spectroscopic imaging to enable mapping of optical properties across a wide area of tissue. We train quantitative spectroscopic imaging (QSI) to identify cervical high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs) in 34 subjects undergoing the loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP subjects). QSI's performance is then prospectively evaluated on the clinically suspicious biopsy sites from 47 subjects undergoing colposcopic-directed biopsy. The results show the per-subject normalized reduced scattering coefficient at 700 nm (An) and the total hemoglobin concentration are significantly different (p<0.05) between HSIL and non-HSIL sites in LEEP subjects. An alone retrospectively distinguishes HSIL from non-HSIL with 89% sensitivity and 83% specificity. It alone applied prospectively on the biopsy sites distinguishes HSIL from non-HSIL with 81% sensitivity and 78% specificity. The findings of this study agree with those of an earlier contact-probe study, validating the robustness of QSI, and specifically An, for identifying HSIL. The performance of An suggests an easy to use and an inexpensive to manufacture monochromatic instrument is capable of early cervical cancer detection, which could be used as a screening and diagnostic tool for detecting cervical cancer in low resource countries.
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    Favicchio R, Zacharakis G, Oikonomaki K, Zacharopoulos A, Mamalaki C, Ripoll J.
    J Biomed Opt. 2012 Jul;17(7):076013.
    Detection of multiple fluorophores in conditions of low signal represents a limiting factor for the application of in vivo optical imaging techniques in immunology where fluorescent labels report for different functional characteristics. A noninvasive in vivo Multi-Spectral Normalized Epifluorescence Laser scanning (M-SNELS) method was developed for the simultaneous and quantitative detection of multiple fluorophores in low signal to noise ratios and used to follow T-cell activation and clonal expansion. Colocalized DsRed- and GFP-labeled T cells were followed in tandem during the mounting of an immune response. Spectral unmixing was used to distinguish the overlapping fluorescent emissions representative of the two distinct cell populations and longitudinal data reported the discrete pattern of antigen-driven proliferation. Retrieved values were validated both in vitro and in vivo with flow cytometry and significant correlation between all methodologies was achieved. Noninvasive M-SNELS successfully quantified two colocalized fluorescent populations and provides a valid alternative imaging approach to traditional invasive methods for detecting T cell dynamics.
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  • Article
    Klyen BR, Shavlakadze T, Radley-Crabb HG, Grounds MD, Sampson DD.
    J Biomed Opt. 2011 Jul;16(7):076013.
    Three-dimensional optical coherence tomography (3D-OCT) was used to image the structure and pathology of skeletal muscle tissue from the treadmill-exercised mdx mouse model of human Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of excised muscle samples were compared with co-registered hematoxylin and eosin-stained and Evans blue dye fluorescence histology. We show, for the first time, structural 3D-OCT images of skeletal muscle dystropathology well correlated with co-located histology. OCT could identify morphological features of interest and necrotic lesions within the muscle tissue samples based on intrinsic optical contrast. These findings demonstrate the utility of 3D-OCT for the evaluation of small-animal skeletal muscle morphology and pathology, particularly for studies of mouse models of muscular dystrophy.
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  • Book
    edited by Everett L. Worthington, Jr., Don E. Davis, and Joshua N. Hook.
    Summary: The Handbook of Humility is the first scholarly book to bring together authors from psychology as well as other fields to address what we know and don't know about humility. Authors review the existing research in this burgeoning field that has well over 100 empirical articles and an increasing trajectory of publication. This work should form the basis for research in humility for many years. In this book, chapters address definitions of humility that guide research. Authors also reflect on the practical applications of humility research within the areas they reviewed. The book informs people who study humility scientifically, but it is also an exceptional guide for psychotherapists, philosophers, religious and community leaders, politicians, educated lay people, and those who would like to fuel an informed reflection on how humility might make interactions more civil in relationships, organizations, communities, political processes, and national and international relations.

    pt. I. Theory, definitions, and measurement
    pt. II. Predictors, correlates, and sequelae of humility
    pt. III. Applications of humility to relationships and treatment.
    Digital Access TandFonline 2016