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    Pathak V, Sathe S, Bhoyar A, Dubey SA, Jaiswal T, Beri A.
    Cureus. 2024 Aug;16(8):e66409.
    In patients who have lost their eye due to one or many of the following events, such as surgery, trauma, tumors, or birth eye defects, ocular prostheses play a very vital role in the recovery of their eye appearance and social appearance. This case report highlights the successful fitting and fabrication of a custom-made ocular prosthesis in a patient with an eye defect. The manufacturing process of the prostheses involved careful evaluation and fabrication involving a series of steps to achieve a successful prosthesis. A customized prosthesis guarantees excellent esthetic matching, more comfort, and increased patient confidence, thereby a better quality of life.
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    Stevens A, Nocita M, Tóth G, Montanarella L, van Wesemael B.
    PLoS One. 2013;8(6):e66409.
    Soil organic carbon is a key soil property related to soil fertility, aggregate stability and the exchange of CO2 with the atmosphere. Existing soil maps and inventories can rarely be used to monitor the state and evolution in soil organic carbon content due to their poor spatial resolution, lack of consistency and high updating costs. Visible and Near Infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy is an alternative method to provide cheap and high-density soil data. However, there are still some uncertainties on its capacity to produce reliable predictions for areas characterized by large soil diversity. Using a large-scale EU soil survey of about 20,000 samples and covering 23 countries, we assessed the performance of reflectance spectroscopy for the prediction of soil organic carbon content. The best calibrations achieved a root mean square error ranging from 4 to 15 g C kg(-1) for mineral soils and a root mean square error of 50 g C kg(-1) for organic soil materials. Model errors are shown to be related to the levels of soil organic carbon and variations in other soil properties such as sand and clay content. Although errors are ∼5 times larger than the reproducibility error of the laboratory method, reflectance spectroscopy provides unbiased predictions of the soil organic carbon content. Such estimates could be used for assessing the mean soil organic carbon content of large geographical entities or countries. This study is a first step towards providing uniform continental-scale spectroscopic estimations of soil organic carbon, meeting an increasing demand for information on the state of the soil that can be used in biogeochemical models and the monitoring of soil degradation.
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    Tao L, Yang Z, Ren H, Jiang Y, Li Y, Mu X, Ren J.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2024 Dec;31(58):66409-66421.
    This study investigated the effects of different amounts of acid-activated attapulgite clay on soil environmental risks and ecotoxicity after incubation as a soil amendment. The experimental soil was alkaline clay soil with a pH of 7.54. The optimal addition and incubation times for the remediation of Cd-contaminated soil were determined. The results showed that the optimal period for Cd stabilization was 24 days, and the optimal addition amount was 8% (w/w). The addition of 8% attapulgite clay significantly reduced the bioavailable Cd concentration in soil. Water-Cd, DTPA-Cd, TCLP-Cd, and HCl-Cd reduced the bioavailable Cd concentration in the soil by 26.43%, 42.75%, 35.22%, and 25.89%, respectively. Meanwhile, the addition of 8% attapulgite clay converted the chemical speciation of exchangeable-Cd into residual-Cd, and the stabilizing component increased by 48% after 48 days. The ecological and environmental risk indices decreased significantly, reaching 10.89% and 4.22%, respectively. The pot experiment showed that attapulgite clay promoted corn growth while decreasing concentrations of Cd in aboveground parts and roots by 9.01-31.82% and 9.52-40.48%, respectively, and limited Cd transfer from roots to stems, minimizing its presence in edible portions as much as possible. The accumulation of heavy metals in the growth of corn plants was significantly and positively correlated with the bioavailability of Cd extracted from different extractants and exchangeable speciation, and significantly and negatively correlated with soil residual speciation. Attapulgite is a promising soil amendment that can effectively reduce ecological and environmental risks, reduce the ecological toxicity of Cd, and improve soil quality.
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    Li R, Zeng X, Bai X, Qu J, Wang Z.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2021 Dec;28(46):66409-66419.
    Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) transgenic maize has a capability to grow under drought and salt stress; the risk of planting BADH transgenic maize on symbiotic microorganisms remains problematic, however. A pot experiment was carried out to assess the impact of BADH transgenic maize BZ-136 on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) colonization in root and community structure in rhizosphere soil compared with that of parental maize Zheng58 in neutral and saline-alkaline soil. Microscope observation found that BZ-136 only had a significantly reduced effect on AMF colonization at the elongation stage (9-14%). High-throughput sequencing analysis revealed that the AMF taxonomic composition kept consistency at the genus level between transgenic BZ-136 and non-transgenic parental Zheng58. NMDS analysis verified the slight difference in community structure between BZ-136 and Zheng58 presented an agrotype-dependent pattern. AMF community indices showed that BZ-136 had a higher richness at the flowering stage in saline-alkaline soil and had a higher diversity at the mature stage in neutral soil. Heatmap analysis also illuminated AMF community structure of transgenic maize at species level was similar to that of non-transgenic maize. In summary, cropping transgenic BADH maize has minor or transient effects on AMF colonization and rhizospheric soil AMF community structure, while agrotype has a stronger effect on AMF community structure.
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    Stephens J, Neuber A.
    Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2012 Dec;86(6 Pt 2):066409.
    Copper and silver wires are subjected to pulsed high current densities producing high density metal plasma in the sub-eV regime with atmospheric air as a background gas. Numerical simulation via application of the one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic partial differential equations solved simultaneously with the constraining circuit equations is presented. The simulations require accurate knowledge of the material equation of state (EOS) and transport properties; the LANL sesame database is applied for the EOS in all cases. Two electrical conductivity models are applied. First, the Lee-More-Desjarlais (LMD) and its modification, the quantum LMD (QLMD) conductivity, which have been well proven at higher temperatures, are applied. Simulations with the LMD and QLMD data indicate that the conductivity data as well as the MHD methodology are accurate in the sub-eV regime of interest. A less computationally involved, empirical conductivity model is applied in the same regime to explore its temperature-density range of applicability compared to the more sophisticated model.
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    Hutchinson IH.
    Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2012 Jun;85(6 Pt 2):066409.
    Large-scale particle-in-cell calculations of the plasma wake interactions of two negatively charged grains smaller than the Debye length are carried out using the coptic code over a wide range of subsonic plasma flow velocities. In plasmas with the temperature ratio T(e)/T(i)=100, it is found that a single grain's oscillatory wake disappears for flow Mach numbers M less than approximately 0.3, which is the parameter regime where Landau damping is expected to be strong. Neutral collisions suppress potential oscillations above M=0.3, but not the trailing attractive potential peak caused by ion focusing. The transverse (grain-aligning) force on a downstream particle in the wake of another is obtained rigorously from the code in three-dimensional simulations. It shows general agreement with the force that would be deduced from the single-grain wake potential gradient. Except for relatively large grains in the nonlinear collisional regime, the grain-aligning force is very small for slow flow.
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    Nersisyan HB, Deutsch C.
    Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2011 Jun;83(6 Pt 2):066409.
    The results of a theoretical investigation of the energy loss of charged particles in a magnetized classical plasma due to the electric-field fluctuations are reported. The energy loss for a test particle is calculated through the linear-response theory. At vanishing magnetic field, the electric-field fluctuations lead to an energy gain of the charged particle for all velocities. It has been shown that in the presence of strong magnetic field, this effect occurs only at low velocities. In the case of high velocities, the test particle systematically loses its energy due to the interaction with a stochastic electric field. The net effect of the fluctuations is the systematic reduction of the total energy loss (i.e., the sum of the polarization and stochastic energy losses) at vanishing magnetic field and reduction or enhancement at strong field, depending on the velocity of the particle. It is found that the energy loss of the slow heavy ion contains an anomalous term that depends logarithmically on the projectile mass. The physical origin of this anomalous term is the coupling between the cyclotron motion of the plasma electrons and the long-wavelength, low-frequency fluctuations produced by the projectile ion. This effect may strongly enhance the stochastic energy gain of the particle.
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    Myatt J, Delettrez JA, Maximov AV, Meyerhofer DD, Short RW, Stoeckl C, Storm M.
    Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2009 Jun;79(6 Pt 2):066409.
    Expressions for the yield of electron-positron pairs, their energy spectra, and production rates have been obtained in the interaction of multi-kJ pulses of high-intensity laser light interacting with solid targets. The Bethe-Heitler conversion of hard x-ray bremsstrahlung [D. A. Gryaznykh, Y. Z. Kandiev, and V. A. Lykov, JETP Lett. 67, 257 (1998); K. Nakashima and H. Takabe, Phys. Plasmas 9, 1505 (2002)] is shown to dominate over direct production (trident process) [E. P. Liang, S. C. Wilks, and M. Tabak, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 4887 (1998)]. The yields and production rates have been optimized as a function of incident laser intensity by the choice of target material and dimensions, indicating that up to 5 x 10 (11) pairs can be produced on the OMEGA EP laser system [L. J. Waxer, Opt. Photonics News 16, 30 (2005)]. The corresponding production rates are high enough to make possible the creation of a pair plasma.
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  • Book
    editors Carina Venter, PhD, RDN, Marion Groetch, MS, RDN, John James, MD, Scott H. Sicherer, MD.
    Summary: "The Health Professional's Guide to Nutrition Management of Food Allergies was written, edited, and reviewed by renowned physicians and dietitians from around the world with expertise in food allergy, and in partnership with FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education). This essential reference is designed to support health professionals working with patients of all ages to help safely diagnose and manage allergies to specific foods, including the top nine food allergens, and other allergic disorders related to food. Divided into three sections, the chapters cover the science, rationale, and evidence-based guidance for food allergy diagnosis and management"-- Provided by publisher.
    Digital Access R2Library [2023]
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    Dufour E, Calisti A, Talin B, Gigosos MA, González MA, del Río Gaztelurrutia T, Dufty JW.
    Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2005 Jun;71(6 Pt 2):066409.
    Studies of charge-charge (ion-ion, ion-electron, and electron-electron) coupling properties for ion impurities in an electron gas are carried out on the basis of a regularized electron-ion potential without short-range Coulomb divergence. This work is motivated, in part, by questions arising from recent spectroscopic measurements revealing discrepancies with present-day theoretical descriptions. Many of the current radiative property models for plasmas include only single electron-emitter collisions and neglect some or all charge-charge interactions. A molecular-dynamics simulation of dipole relaxation is proposed here to allow proper account of many electron-emitter interactions and all charge-charge couplings. As illustrations, molecular-dynamics simulations are reported for the cases of a single ion embedded in an electron plasma and for a two-component ion-electron plasma. Charge-charge coupling effects are discussed for hydrogen-like Balmer alpha lines at weak coupling conditions.
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    Dewar RL, Tatsuno T, Yoshida Z, Nührenberg C, McMillan BF.
    Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2004 Dec;70(6 Pt 2):066409.
    A Suydam-unstable circular cylinder of plasma with periodic boundary conditions in the axial direction is studied within the approximation of linearized ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The normal mode equations are completely separable, so both the toroidal Fourier harmonic index n and the poloidal index m are good quantum numbers. The full spectrum of eigenvalues in the range 1< or = m < or = m(max) is analyzed quantitatively, using asymptotics for large m, numerics for all m, and graphics for qualitative understanding. The density of eigenvalues scales like m(2)(max) as m(max) -->infinity . Because finite-m corrections scale as 1/ m(2)(max) , their inclusion is essential in order to obtain the correct statistics for the distribution of eigenvalues. Near the largest growth rate, only a single radial eigenmode contributes to the spectrum, so the eigenvalues there depend only on m and n as in a two-dimensional system. However, unlike the generic separable two-dimensional system, the statistics of the ideal-MHD spectrum departs somewhat from the Poisson distribution, even for arbitrarily large m(max) . This departure from Poissonian statistics may be understood qualitatively from the nature of the distribution of rational numbers in the rotational transform profile.
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    Liu H, He XT, Chen SG.
    Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2004 Jun;69(6 Pt 2):066409.
    The acceleration mechanism of electrons in combined strong axial magnetic fields and circularly polarized laser pulse fields is investigated by solving the dynamical equations for relativistic electrons both numerically and analytically. We find that the electron acceleration depends not only on the laser intensity, but also on the ratio between electron Larmor frequency and laser frequency. As the ratio approaches unity, a clear resonance peak is observed, corresponding to the laser-magnetic resonance acceleration. Away from the resonance regime, the strong magnetic fields still affect the electron acceleration dramatically. We derive an approximate analytical solution of the relativistic electron energy in adiabatic limit, which provides a full understanding of this phenomenon. Application of our theory to fast ignition of inertial confinement fusion is discussed.
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    Mikhailenko VS, Mikhailenko VV, Heyn MF, Mahajan SM.
    Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2002 Dec;66(6 Pt 2):066409.
    The temporal evolution of drift Alfvén waves in an inhomogeneous plasma of low and finite pressure with homogeneous shear flow is studied as an initial value problem without the use of spectral expansion in time. The cases of plasma with cold and hot ions, weak and strong flow shear are considered separately. It is shown that the conventional modal structure of the stable and unstable drift and Alfvén waves holds only for a limited time in the initial stage of its evolution. For larger times, nonmodal effects due to the velocity shear define the development of drift Alfvén waves and drift Alfvén instabilities. For the regimes of low flow shear, which corresponds to the period of the low-to-high transition, the long time evolution of these instabilities as well as their saturation are determined by the nonlinear effects such as the nonlinear decorrelation effect. In contrast, the plasma with strong flow shear, which corresponds to the regime of the developed transport barriers, is stable against the development hydrodynamic drift Alfvén and resistive drift Alfvén instabilities. The frequency increase caused by the shear flow brings the Alfvén wave phase speed close to the electron thermal speed where strong electron Landau damping occurs. At this stage, a kinetic approach for the description of these waves becomes necessary.
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    Batani D, Antonicci A, Pisani F, Hall TA, Scott D, Amiranoff F, Koenig M, Gremillet L, Baton S, Martinolli E, Rousseaux C, Nazarov W.
    Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2002 Jun;65(6 Pt 2):066409.
    The propagation of relativistic electrons in foam and solid density targets has been studied by means of K-alpha spectroscopy. Experimental results point out the role of self-generated electric fields in propagation and the role of heating of matter induced by the passage of fast electrons. A simple analytical formulation has been given and Spitzer conductivity has been shown to be fairly compatible with experimental results.
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    Sheng ZM, Nishihara K, Honda T, Sentoku Y, Mima K, Bulanov SV.
    Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2001 Dec;64(6 Pt 2):066409.
    The relativistic filamentation instability (RFI) of linearly polarized intense laser beams in plasmas near the critical density is investigated. It is found that the RFI is anisotropic to transverse perturbations in this case; a homogeneous laser beam evolves to a stratified structure parallel to the laser polarization direction, as demonstrated recently with three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations by Nishihara et al. [Proc. SPIE 3886, 90 (2000)]. A weakly relativistic theory is developed for plasmas near the critical density. It shows that the anisotropy of the RFI results from a suppression of the instability in the laser polarization direction due to the electrostatic response. The anisotropic RFI is also analyzed based on an envelope equation for the laser beam. Finally, the envelope equation is solved numerically, and anisotropic filamentation and self-focusing are illustrated.
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