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    Humayra S, Yahya N, Ning CJ, Mir IA, Mohamed AL, Manan HA.
    Heliyon. 2024 May 15;10(9):e29755.
    Background: Current imaging advancements quantify the use of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) derived T1 and T2 tissue characterization as robust indicators for cardiomyopathies, but limited literature exists on its clinical application in Takotsubo syndrome (TTS). This systematic review evaluated the T1 and T2 parametric mapping to delineate the current diagnostic and prognostic CMR imaging outcomes in TTS.
    Methods: A comprehensive literature search until October 2023 was performed on ScienceDirect, PubMed, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library by two independent reviewers adhering to the PRISMA framework. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) was used to evaluate the methodological quality of studies.
    Results: Out of 198 results, 8 studies were included in this qualitative synthesis, accounting for a total population of 399 subjects (TTS = 201, controls = 175, acute myocarditis = 14, and acute regional myocardial oedema without infarction = 9). Approximately 50.4 % were TTS patients aged between 61 and 73 years, whereof, females (n = 181, 90.0 %) and apical variants (n = 180, 89.6 %) were significantly higher, and emotional stressor (n = 42; 20.9 %) was more prevalent than physical (n = 27; 13.4 %). The NOS identified 62.5 % of studies as moderate and 37.5 % as high quality. Parametric tissue mapping revealed significantly prolonged T1 and T2 relaxation times at 1.5T and 3T respectively in TTS (1053-1164 msec, 1292-1438 msec; and 56-67 msec, 60-90 msec) with higher extracellular volume (ECV) fraction (29-36 %), compared to healthy subjects (944-1211 msec, 1189-1251 msec; and 46-54 msec, 32-68 msec; 23-29 %) and myocarditis (1058 msec, 60 msec). Other significant myocardial abnormalities included increased left ventricular (LV) end-systolic and diastolic volume and reduced global longitudinal strain. Overall, myocardial oedema, altered LV mass and strain, and worse LV systolic function, with higher native T1, T2, and ECV values were consistent.
    Conclusions: Future research with substantially larger clinical trials is vital to explore the CMR imaging findings in diverse TTS patient cohorts and correlate the T1 and T2 mapping outcomes with demographic/clinical covariates. CMR is a valuable imaging tool for TTS diagnosis and prognostication. T1 and T2 parametric mapping facilitates the quantification of oedema, inflammation, and myocardial injury in Takotsubo.
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    Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Department of Education.
    Fed Regist. 2017 Jun 30;82(125):29755-61.
    The Secretary of Education (Secretary) amends the regulations implementing Parts B and C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). These conforming changes are needed to implement statutory amendments made to the IDEA by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), enacted on December 10, 2015. These regulations remove and revise IDEA definitions based on changes made to the definitions in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the ESSA, and also update several State eligibility requirements to reflect amendments to the IDEA made by the ESSA. They also update relevant cross-references in the IDEA regulations to sections of the ESEA to reflect changes made by the ESSA. These regulations also include several technical corrections to previously published IDEA Part B regulations.
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    Amano T, Yoshihara T, Shinzaki S, Sakakibara Y, Yamada T, Osugi N, Hiyama S, Murayama Y, ... Show More Nagaike K, Ogiyama H, Yamaguchi T, Arimoto Y, Kobayashi I, Kawai S, Egawa S, Kizu T, Komori M, Tsujii Y, Asakura A, Tashiro T, Tani M, Otake-Kasamoto Y, Uema R, Kato M, Tsujii Y, Inoue T, Yamada T, Kitamura T, Yonezawa A, Iijima H, Hayashi Y, Takehara T.
    Sci Rep. 2024 11 29;14(1):29755.
    Serum leucine-rich alpha-2 glycoprotein (LRG) can monitor disease activities during biologics treatment in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is unclear whether the pretreatment serum LRG level can predict clinical effectiveness including serum trough levels of ustekinumab in patients with IBD. This multicenter prospective cohort study included 184 patients (Crohn's disease, 104; ulcerative colitis, 80) who received ustekinumab (n = 119) or anti-tumor necrosis factor (n = 65) between January 2019 and March 2023. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed serum LRG level at week 0 (0w-LRG, odds ratio 0.12, 95% confidence interval 0.02-0.68) as one of significant factors for clinical remission at week 8. We divided patients into the low- and the high-LRG groups by the median 0w-LRG (18.2 µg/mL) and compared the effectiveness. In patients who received ustekinumab, the proportion of clinical remission at week 8 was significantly different between in the low- (76.9%) and in the high-LRG group (59.3%, P = 0.038), and median serum trough level at week 8 was significantly different between in the low- (10.9 µg/mL, interquartile range 6.7-13.4) and the high-LRG group (5.3 µg/mL, interquartile range 2.4-8.3, P < 0.001). The 0w-LRG can predict the effectiveness including serum trough levels of ustekinumab during induction treatment for patients with IBD.
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    Khumaeni A, Motonobu T, Katsuaki A, Masabumi M, Ikuo W.
    Opt Express. 2013 Dec 02;21(24):29755-68.
    Intensified microwave coupled by a loop antenna (diameter of 3 mm) has been employed to enhance the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) emission. In this method, a laser plasma was induced on Gd₂O₃ sample at a reduced pressure by focusing a pulsed Nd:YAG laser (532 nm, 10 ns, 5 mJ) at a local point, at which electromagnetic field was produced by introducing microwave radiation using loop antenna. The plasma emission was significantly enhanced by absorbing the microwave radiation, resulting in high-temperature plasma and long-lifetime plasma emission. By using this method, the enhancement of Gd lines was up to 32 times, depending upon the emission lines observed. A linear calibration curve of Ca contained in the Gd₂O₃ sample was made. The detection limit of Ca was approximately 2 mg/kg. This present method is very useful for identification of trace elements in nuclear fuel and radioactive materials.
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    Abdalla AA, Khanra D.
    Cureus. 2022 Sep;14(9):e29755.
    OBJECTIVE: Electrocardiography interpretation is a core clinical skill for all doctors participating in emergency medical services. Given the majority of ECGs initially performed in hospital on admission are reviewed by junior doctors, and the need for life-threatening pathology to be diagnosed or excluded, further understanding of the level of competency in interpretation and factors associated with this are needed.
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive, analytical study. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire. This was comprised of two sections; the first section contained questions related to confidence, previous ECG learning and factors thought to be associated with ECG interpretation competence. The second section was an ECG quiz of 10 12-lead ECGs of varying complexity for interpretation assessment. Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized for data analysis.
    RESULTS: Sixty-two doctors from foundation year 1 to registrar level working in acute medicine across three hospitals participated. The mean overall percentage score for the ECG quiz was 45%. No association was found between junior doctor training grade and overall score on the ECG assessment. Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching strategies also did not impact competence. Only 9.7% reported themselves as "confident" interpreting ECGs. There was a trend towards higher levels of competency among those who felt they had undergone sufficient ECG teaching and those who sought regular feedback from other clinicians.
    CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated low overall levels of ECG interpretation competency among junior doctors in a large acute teaching NHS trust regardless of grade. Factors associated with competency remain unclear.
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    Alout H, Dabiré RK, Djogbénou LS, Abate L, Corbel V, Chandre F, Cohuet A.
    Sci Rep. 2016 07 19;6:29755.
    Insecticide resistance raises concerns for the control of vector-borne diseases. However, its impact on parasite transmission could be diverse when considering the ecological interactions between vector and parasite. Thus we investigated the fitness cost associated with insecticide resistance and Plasmodium falciparum infection as well as their interactive cost on Anopheles gambiae survival and fecundity. In absence of infection, we observed a cost on fecundity associated with insecticide resistance. However, survival was higher for mosquito bearing the kdr mutation and equal for those with the ace-1(R) mutation compared to their insecticide susceptible counterparts. Interestingly, Plasmodium infection reduced survival only in the insecticide resistant strains but not in the susceptible one and infection was associated with an increase in fecundity independently of the strain considered. This study provides evidence for a survival cost associated with infection by Plasmodium parasite only in mosquito selected for insecticide resistance. This suggests that the selection of insecticide resistance mutation may have disturbed the interaction between parasites and vectors, resulting in increased cost of infection. Considering the fitness cost as well as other ecological aspects of this natural mosquito-parasite combination is important to predict the epidemiological impact of insecticide resistance.
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    Kim BK, Lee HJ, Jung SH, Dan J.
    Medicine (Baltimore). 2022 Jul 15;101(28):e29755.
    The accuracy of physical examination for diagnosing lesions of the long head of the biceps tendon (LHBT) remains unsatisfactory. The purpose of this study was to describe a new diagnostic test, the Flexion-Extension-Supination (FES) test for diagnosing lesions of the long head of biceps tendon. A prospective study of 162 patients was performed to evaluate the diagnostic value of FES test. All the participants were evaluated on the basis of their clinical presentation, physical examination (FES test), radiologic findings and arthroscopic examination. Shoulder arthroscopy findings were used as the gold standard. To reduce the omission of the hidden lesion, LHBT was checked at the intra- and the extraarticular side via arthroscopic examination. Surgical findings related to biceps pathology were as follows: rotator cuff tears, 89.5% (145/162); subacromial impingement, 8.6% (14/162); and biceps tendinitis, 1.9% (3/162). The prevalence of biceps pathology was 77.2% (125/162) of all arthroscopic procedures. No significant differences for LHBT lesions were observed between the FES test and the arthroscopic findings (P = .850). The interrater reliability of the FES test was 0.747. After excluding inconclusive results between examiners, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the FES test were 87.9%, 66.7%, 82.9%, and 63.2%, respectively. Positive and negative likelihood ratios were 2.67 and 0.18, respectively. The maneuvers of the FES test irritate intra- and extraarticular lesion of LHBT. The FES test is a reproducible and reliable test that can be used during physical examinations to evaluate patients with LHBT lesions.
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    Strebel S, Mader L, Sláma T, Waespe N, Weiss A, Parfitt R, Am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen A, Kompis M, von der Weid NX, Ansari M, Kuehni CE.
    Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022 09;69(9):e29755.
    BACKGROUND: Hearing loss is a potential side effect from childhood cancer treatment. We described the severity of hearing loss assessed by audiometry in a representative national cohort of childhood cancer survivors (CCS) and identified clinical risk factors.
    PROCEDURE: We included all CCS from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry who were diagnosed ≤18 age and treated with platinum-based chemotherapy between 1990 and 2014. We extracted audiograms, treatment-related information, and demographic data from medical records. Two reviewers independently assessed the severity of hearing loss at latest follow-up using the Münster Ototoxicity Scale. We used ordered logistic regression to identify clinical risk factors for severity of hearing loss.
    RESULTS: We analyzed data from 270 CCS. Median time from cancer diagnosis to last audiogram was 5 years (interquartile range 2.5-8.1 years). We found 53 (20%) CCS with mild, 78 (29%) with moderate, and 75 (28%) with severe hearing loss. Higher severity grades were associated with (a) younger age at cancer diagnosis (odds ratio [OR] 5.4, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.5-12.0 for <5 years); (b) treatment in earlier years (OR 4.8, 95% CI: 2.1-11.0 for 1990-1995); (c) higher cumulative cisplatin doses (OR 13.5, 95% CI: 4.7-38.8 for >450 mg/m2 ); (d) concomitant cranial radiation therapy (CRT) (OR 4.4, 95% CI: 2.5-7.8); and (e) hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) (OR 2.7, 95% CI: 1.0-7.2).
    CONCLUSION: Three of four CCS treated with platinum-based chemotherapy experienced some degree of hearing loss. We recommend closely monitoring patient's hearing function if treated at a young age with high cumulative cisplatin doses, and concomitant CRT as part of long-term care.
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    Liu X, Huang S, Li C.
    Opt Express. 2023 Aug 28;31(18):29755-29767.
    A multichannel high-dimensional data encoding/decoding scheme based on composite elliptic optical vortex (EOV) arrays is proposed. By exploiting the rotation angle of the EOV, a 4 × 4 composite EOV array is used for high-dimensional data encoding. The conjugate symmetric extension Fourier computer-generated holography algorithm with controllable reconstruction focus is used to assign different reconstruction focus to the data of the three channels (R, G, and B) of the color image. Then, the data of the three channels is transmitted simultaneously by a single hologram to further improve the transmission efficiency. At the receiver, the initial information sequence is decoded by directly identifying the captured intensity patterns with a deep learning-based convolutional neural network. In the experiment, a 128 × 128-pixel color image is successfully transmitted, which confirms the feasibility of our proposed encoding/decoding scheme. This method has great potential for future high-capacity optical communications.
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    Zhang L, Li Y, Hou Y, Wang Y, Tao M, Chen B, Na Q, Li Y, Zhi Z, Liu X, Li X, Gao F, Luo X, Lo GQ, Song J.
    Opt Express. 2021 Sep 13;29(19):29755-29765.
    The optical power handling of an OPA scanning beam determines its targeted detection distance. So far, a limited number of investigations have been conducted on the restriction of the beam power. To the best of our knowledge, we for the first time in this paper explore the ability of the silicon photonics based OPA circuit for the high power application. A 64-channel SiN-Si based one-dimensional (1D) OPA chip has been designed to handle high beam power to achieve large scanning range. The chip was fabricated on the standard silicon photonics platform. The main lobe power of our chip can reach 720 mW and its peak side-lobe level (PSLL) is -10.33 dB. We obtain a wide scanning range of 110° in the horizontal direction at 1550 nm wavelength, with a compressed longitudinal divergence angle of each scanning beam of 0.02°.
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    Gardner AW, Montgomery PS, Wang M, Liang M.
    J Am Heart Assoc. 2023 11 07;12(21):e029755.
    Background This randomized controlled trial compared long-term changes in peak walking time (PWT) and exercise time-to-minimum calf muscle oxygen saturation (StO2) in symptomatic participants with peripheral artery disease following a long-term home exercise program (HEP), a short-term supervised exercise therapy (SET) program that transitioned to a long-term HEP (SET/HEP), and a control intervention. Methods and Results For the first 3 months, HEP and SET/HEP groups performed intermittent walking to mild-to-moderate claudication pain, whereas the control group performed light resistance training. For the subsequent 15 months, the HEP group continued their exercise program, the SET/HEP group transitioned from SET to the HEP program, and the control group transitioned to only receive walking advice. PWT increased significantly from baseline to month 18 in the HEP group (408±279 meters to 814±393 meters, P<0.001) and in the SET/HEP group (457±288 meters to 818±313 meters, P<0.001). Exercise time-to-minimum calf muscle StO2 increased significantly from baseline to month 18 in the HEP group (238±241 seconds to 497±485 seconds, P<0.05) and in the SET/HEP group (296±289 seconds to 620±450 seconds, P<0.001). These changes in PWT and exercise time-to-minimum calf muscle StO2 were greater than in the control group (P<0.001 and P<0.01, respectively). Additionally, the change in exercise time-to-minimum calf muscle StO2 was correlated with the change in PWT in both exercise groups combined (r=0.601, P=0.0015). Conclusions Long-term HEP and SET/HEP were efficacious in improving PWT and exercise time-to-minimum calf muscle StO2 in symptomatic participants with peripheral artery disease, and these changes were correlated with each other. Registration URL:; Unique identifier: NCT00618670.
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    Killian RL, Flippin JD, Herrera CM, Almenar-Queralt A, Goldstein LS.
    PLoS One. 2012;7(1):e29755.
    The etiology of sporadic Alzheimer disease (AD) is largely unknown, although evidence implicates the pathological hallmark molecules amyloid beta (Aβ) and phosphorylated Tau. Work in animal models suggests that altered axonal transport caused by Kinesin-1 dysfunction perturbs levels of both Aβ and phosphorylated Tau in neural tissues, but the relevance of Kinesin-1 dependent functions to the human disease is unknown. To begin to address this issue, we generated human embryonic stem cells (hESC) expressing reduced levels of the kinesin light chain 1 (KLC1) Kinesin-1 subunit to use as a source of human neural cultures. Despite reduction of KLC1, undifferentiated hESC exhibited apparently normal colony morphology and pluripotency marker expression. Differentiated neural cultures derived from KLC1-suppressed hESC contained neural rosettes but further differentiation revealed obvious morphological changes along with reduced levels of microtubule-associated neural proteins, including Tau and less secreted Aβ, supporting the previously established connection between KLC1, Tau and Aβ. Intriguingly, KLC1-suppressed neural precursors (NPs), isolated using a cell surface marker signature known to identify cells that give rise to neurons and glia, unlike control cells, failed to proliferate. We suggest that KLC1 is required for normal human neural differentiation, ensuring proper metabolism of AD-associated molecules APP and Tau and for proliferation of NPs. Because impaired APP metabolism is linked to AD, this human cell culture model system will not only be a useful tool for understanding the role of KLC1 in regulating the production, transport and turnover of APP and Tau in neurons, but also in defining the essential function(s) of KLC1 in NPs and their progeny. This knowledge should have important implications for human neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases.
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    Xu Y, Giljum A, Kelly KF.
    Opt Express. 2020 Sep 28;28(20):29740-29755.
    Both 3D imaging and hyperspectral imaging provide important information of the scene and combining them is beneficial in helping us perceive and understand real-world structures. Previous hyperspectral 3D imaging systems typically require a hyperspectral imaging system as the detector suffers from complicated hardware design, high cost, and high acquisition and reconstruction time. Here, we report a low-cost, high-frame rate, simple-design, and compact hyperspectral stripe projector (HSP) system based on a single digital micro-mirror device, capable of producing hyperspectral patterns where each row of pixels has an independently programmable spectrum. We demonstrate two example applications using the HSP via hyperspectral structured illumination: hyperspectral 3D surface imaging and spectrum-dependent hyperspectral compressive imaging of volume density of participating medium. The hyperspectral patterns simultaneously encode the 3D spatial and spectral information of the target, requiring only a grayscale sensor as the detector. The reported HSP and its applications provide a solution for combining structured illumination techniques with hyperspectral imaging in a simple, efficient, and low-cost manner. The work presented here represents a novel structured illumination technique that provides the basis and inspiration of future variations of hardware systems and software encoding schemes.
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    Islam MR, Hu J, Kareekunnan A, Kuki A, Kudo T, Maruyama T, Nishizaki A, Tokita Y, Akabori M, Mizuta H.
    ACS Omega. 2024 Jul 09;9(27):29751-29755.
    In this study, we investigate the scope of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) as an electric field sensor. We show that MoS2 sensors can be used to identify the polarity as well as to detect the magnitude of the electric field. The response of the sensor is recorded as the change in the drain current when the electric field is applied. The sensitivity, defined as the percentage change in the drain current, reveals that it has a linear relation with the magnitude of the electric field. Furthermore, the sensitivity is highly dependent on the layer thickness, with the single-layer device being highly sensitive and the sensitivity decreasing with the thickness. We have also compared the electric field sensitivity of MoS2 devices to that of previously studied graphene devices and found the former to be exceptionally sensitive than the latter for a given electric field magnitude.
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    Xiao M, Banu A, Jia Y, Chang M, Wang G, An J, Huang Y, Hu X, Tang C, Li Z, Niu Y, Tian X, Deng W, Tang C, Du J, Cui X, Chan JF, Peng R, Yin F.
    J Med Virol. 2024 Jun;96(6):e29755.
    Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, rhinovirus (RV) remained notable persistence, maintaining its presence while other seasonal respiratory viruses were largely suppressed by pandemic restrictions during national lockdowns. This research explores the epidemiological dynamics of RV infections among pediatric populations on Hainan Island, China, specifically focusing on the impact before and after the zero-COVID policy was lifted. From January 2021 to December 2023, 19 680 samples were collected from pediatric patients hospitalized with acute lower respiratory tract infections (ARTIs) at the Hainan Maternal and Child Health Hospital. The infection of RV was detected by tNGS. RV species and subtypes were identified in 32 RV-positive samples representing diverse time points by analyzing the VP4/VP2 partial regions. Among the 19 680 pediatric inpatients with ARTIs analyzed, 21.55% were found to be positive for RV infection, with notable peaks observed in April 2021 and November 2022. A gradual annual decline in RV infections was observed, alongside a seasonal pattern of higher prevalence during the colder months. The highest proportion of RV infections was observed in the 0-1-year age group. Phylogenetic analysis on 32 samples indicated a trend from RV-A to RV-C in 2022. This observation suggests potential evolving dynamics within the RV species although further studies are needed due to the limited sample size. The research emphasizes the necessity for ongoing surveillance and targeted management, particularly for populations highly susceptible to severe illnesses caused by RV infections.
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    Witteveen CF, Giovanelli J, Kaufman S.
    J Biol Chem. 1999 Oct 15;274(42):29755-62.
    Levels of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH(4)) bound to nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) were examined during multiple turnovers of the enzyme in the presence of an NADPH-regenerating system. Our findings show that NOS-bound BH(4) does not remain in a static state but undergoes redox reactions. Under these experimental conditions, the redox state of BH(4) was determined by the balance between calcium/calmodulin (Ca(2+)/CaM)-dependent oxidation of BH(4) mediated by the uncoupled formation of superoxide/hydrogen peroxide on the one hand and by reductive regeneration of BH(4) on the other hand. BH(4) oxidation was appreciably increased in the presence of arginine. Levels of NOS-bound BH(4) were also examined under single turnover conditions in the absence of an NADPH-regenerating system and in the presence of added superoxide dismutase and catalase to suppress the accumulation of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. BH(4) oxidation was again dependent on Ca(2+)/CaM. The insensitivity to superoxide dismutase and catalase suggested that the single turnover oxidation of BH(4) did not proceed through superoxide/peroxide, although the involvement of these oxidants could not be definitively excluded. The amount of BH(4) oxidized was highest in the presence of arginine, and this oxidation significantly exceeded that in the presence of N(G)-hydroxy-L-arginine. The findings that single turnover oxidation of BH(4) is stimulated by arginine in the presence of Ca(2+)/CaM and that BH(4) is regenerated are consistent with a role for the pterin as an electron donor in product formation; this role remains to be defined.
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    Huang ZZ, Du X, Ma CD, Zhang RR, Gong WL, Liu F.
    ACS Omega. 2020 Nov 24;5(46):29755-29764.
    We aimed to investigate the material basis and mechanisms underlying the antitumor activity of Polygonatum sibiricum flower by ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-Q-TOF-MSE). A compound-protein interaction network for cancer was constructed to identify potential drug targets, and then the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analysis was conducted to elucidate the pathways involved in the antitumor activity of P. sibiricum flower. Subsequently, molecular docking was performed to determine whether the identified proteins are a target of the compounds of P. sibiricum flower. Sixty-four compounds were identified in P. sibiricum flower. Among these, 35 active constituents and 72 corresponding targets were found to be closely associated with the antitumor activity of P. sibiricum flower. By constructing and analyzing the compound-target-pathway network, five key compounds and 10 key targets were obtained. The five key compounds were wogonin, rhamnetin, dauriporphine, chrysosplenetin B, and 5-hydroxyl-7,8-panicolin. The 10 key targets were PIK3CG, AKT1, PTGS1, PTGS2, MAPK14, CCND1, TP53, GSK3B, NOS2, and SCN5A. In addition, 34 antitumor-related pathways were identified using the KEGG pathway analysis. To further verify the results of network pharmacology screening, molecular docking was performed with the five key compounds and the top three targets based on degree ranking, namely, PIK3CG, AKT1, and PTGS2; the results of molecular docking were consistent with those of network pharmacology. P. sibiricum flower can exert its antitumor activity via multicomponent, multitarget, and multichannel mechanisms of action. In this study, we identified the antitumor active constituents of P. sibiricum flower and their potential mechanisms of action.
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    Han Z, Li D, Zhao Y, Wang J, Guo N, Yan H, Han C, Li Q, Tucker ME.
    ACS Omega. 2022 Aug 30;7(34):29755-29772.
    In microbial mineralization experiments, the induction time of mineral precipitation is ambiguous, and this may lead to difficulties in reproducing and confirming the test results. To explore the link between induction time and microbially mediated carbonate precipitation, we report here the mineralogy and morphology of carbonate precipitates induced by the halophilic Halomonas utahensis WMS2 bacterium in media with various Mg/Ca molar ratios over a range of induction times. The results show that the biominerals are formed in an alkaline environment affected by ammonia secreted by H. utahensis WMS2 bacteria. The content of dissolved inorganic carbon increased as a result of carbonic anhydrase catalyzing the hydration of carbon dioxide to release bicarbonate and carbonate ions. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) results show that the phase of mineral precipitated gradually changes from an unstable Mg-rich calcite to metastable monohydrocalcite and then to stable hydromagnesite with an increase in the Mg2+ ion concentration and induction time. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) results show that minerals mostly change from single particles/crystallites to aggregations under the action of the microorganisms at different Mg2+ ion concentrations and induction times. Our experiments demonstrate that the carbonate minerals produced in the presence of microbes change significantly with the induction time, in addition to the influence of the hydrochemical factors; this indicates that the induction time is significant in determining the mineralogy of biominerals.
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    Wang F, Zhang X, Fu R, Sun G.
    RSC Adv. 2018 Aug 20;8(52):29745-29755.
    This study describes the detection of driving fatigue using the characteristics of brain networks in a real driving environment. First, the θ, β and 36-44 Hz rhythm from the EEG signals of drivers were extracted using wavelet packet decomposition (WPD). The correlation between EEG channels was calculated using a Pearson correlation coefficient and subsequently, the brain networks were built. Furthermore, the clustering coefficient (C) and global efficiency (G) of the complex brain networks were calculated to analyze the functional differences in the brains of drivers over time. Combined with the relative power spectrum ratio (β/θ) of EEG signals and the mean value from questionnaires, the correlation of data characteristics between brain networks and subjective and objective data was analyzed. The results show that changes in the fatigue state of drivers can be effectively detected by calculating the data characteristics of brain networks in a real driving environment.
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    Ginsburg AS, Kinshella MW, Naanyu V, Rigg J, Chomba D, Coleman J, Hwang B, Ochieng R, Ansermino JM, Macharia WM.
    J Med Internet Res. 2021 10 28;23(10):e29755.
    BACKGROUND: Continuous physiological monitoring technologies are important for strengthening hospital care for neonates, particularly in resource-constrained settings, and understanding user perspectives is critical for informing medical technology design, development, and optimization.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the feasibility, usability, and acceptability of 2 noninvasive, multiparameter, continuous physiological monitoring technologies for use in neonates in an African health care setting.
    METHODS: We assessed 2 investigational technologies from EarlySense and Sibel, compared with the reference Masimo Rad-97 technology through in-depth interviews and direct observations. A purposive sample of health care administrators, health care providers, and caregivers at Aga Khan University Hospital, a tertiary, private hospital in Nairobi, Kenya, were included. Data were analyzed using a thematic approach in NVivo 12 software.
    RESULTS: Between July and August 2020, we interviewed 12 health care providers, 5 health care administrators, and 10 caregivers and observed the monitoring of 12 neonates. Staffing and maintenance of training in neonatal units are important feasibility considerations, and simple training requirements support the feasibility of the investigational technologies. Key usability characteristics included ease of use, wireless features, and reduced number of attachments connecting the neonate to the monitoring technology, which health care providers considered to increase the efficiency of care. The main factors supporting acceptability included caregiver-highlighted perceptions of neonate comfort and health care respondent technology familiarity. Concerns about the side effects of wireless connections, electromagnetic fields, and mistrust of unfamiliar technologies have emerged as possible acceptability barriers to investigational technologies.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, respondents considered the investigational technologies feasible, usable, and acceptable for the care of neonates at this health care facility. Our findings highlight the potential of different multiparameter continuous physiological monitoring technologies for use in different neonatal care settings. Simple and user-friendly technologies may help to bridge gaps in current care where there are many neonates; however, challenges in maintaining training and ensuring feasibility within resource-constrained health care settings warrant further research.
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