Today's Hours: 10:00am - 6:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Volar aspect of forearm

Flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum profundus muscles

Image #98-6

KEYWORDS: Forearm, Vasculature.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Volar aspect of forearm
Flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum profundus muscles
The ulnar artery (11,26)has been resected and the deep flexors separated from each other.
1 . Lumbrical muscles
2 . Radial carpal eminence
3 . Flexor carpi radialis muscle (tendon of insertion)
4 . Radial artery
5 . Abductor pollicis longus muscle
6 . Brachioradialis muscle (tendon)
7 . Extensor carpi radialis longus muscle (tendon)
8 . Extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle (tendon)
9 . Flexor pollicis longus muscle
10 . Pronator teres muscle (insertion)
11 . Ulnar artery
12 . Anterior interosseous nerve
13 . Supinator muscle
14 . Ulnar artery
15 . Radial artery
16 . Upper pointer: Brachial artery Lower pointer: Median nerve
17 . Muscular branch of ulnar nerve
18 . Pronator teres muscle (ulnar head)
19 . Anterior recurrent ulnar artery
20 . Dorsal recurrent ulnar artery
21 . Anastomotic branch between median and ulnar nerves
22 . Ulnar nerve
23 . Flexor digitorum profundus muscle (to digits III-V)
24 . Flexor digitorum profundus muscle (to digit II)
25 . Pronator quadratus muscle
26 . Ulnar artery
27 . Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle (tendon of insertion)
28 . Ulnar carpal eminence (ligamentum carpi transversum transected)
29 . Abductor digiti minimi muscle