Today's Hours: 12:00pm - 8:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Pectoral region and axilla

Left axilla (continued); relations of vessels, nerves and lymphatic structures, close-up view

Image #90-3

KEYWORDS: Axilla, Lymphatics, Neuralnetwork, Peripheral nervous system.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Pectoral region and axilla
Left axilla (continued); relations of vessels, nerves and lymphatic structures, close-up view
The arm has been abducted. The axillary sheath (5) remains on the proximal parts of the axillary artery and vein but has been removed distally.
  1. Clavicle
  2. Subclavius muscle
  3. Coracoclavicular fascia (partially removed)
  4. Anterior lateral thoracic nerve
  5. Axillary sheath (partially removed)
  6. Axillary lymph nodes (subclavian group)
  7. Subclavian trunk
  8. Axillary lymph nodes (central group)
  9. Rib II
  10. Intercostobrachial nerve
  11. Pectoralis minor muscle (reflected)
  12. Coracobrachialis muscle (covered by fascia)
  13. Area of confluence of axillary, pectoral and brachial fascia
  14. Musculocutaneous nerve
  15. Anterior medial thoracic nerve
  16. Median nerve
  17. Axillary artery and vein
  18. Thoracodorsal nerve
  19. Axillary lymph nodes (subscapular group)
  20. Axillary lymph node (lateral)
  21. Long thoracic nerve
  22. Fascia of serratus anterior muscle
  23. Axillary lymph node (anterior pectoral)