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Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of head and neck from a posterior approach

Glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves in jugular foramen; origin of tympanic nerve; posterior wall of pharynx

Image #81-4

KEYWORDS: Bones cartilage joints, Ear, Peripheral nervous system, Pharynx, Throat.

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Dissection of head and neck from a posterior approach
Glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves in jugular foramen; origin of tympanic nerve; posterior wall of pharynx
The temporal bone has been dissected to expose the tympanic canaliculus (canal of Jacobson) (2) and the facial canal (1). Veins and fibrous tissue have been removed to reveal the glossopharyngeal nerve (4) in the anterior part of the jugular foramen. The apex of the petrous part of the temporal bone, the left half of the occipital bone and part of the body of the sphenoid bone have been ground away. This was done without disturbing the soft tissues of the carotid canal (14), petrooccipital fissure (15) or the thick fibrous tissue which underlies the base of the skull (17). The longus capitis and rectus capitis anterior muscles have been partially resected.
  1. Upper pointer: Facial nerve (VII) within facial canal Lower pointer: Stapedius muscle
  2. Tympanic nerve within tympanic canaliculus
  3. Auricular branch vagus nerve
  4. Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)
  5. Upper pointer: Styloid process temporal bone (covered by periosteum) Lower pointer: Internal jugular vein (cut off)
  6. Longus capitis muscle (cut across)
  7. Splenius capitis muscle (cut across)
  8. Posterior belly of digastric muscle
  9. Occipital artery
  10. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
  11. Internal carotid artery left
  12. Internal carotid artery left (cut across in cavernous sinus)
  13. Sphenoid sinus (opened)
  14. Periosteal lining of carotid canal
  15. Veins and connective tissue of petro-occipital fissure (bone removed)
  16. Basal part occipital bone (sectioned in midline)
  17. Periosteum (reinforced by anterior atlanto-occipital membrane and pharyngobasilar fascia)
  18. Jugular ganglion of vagus nerve (X)
  19. Accessory nerve (Xl)
  20. Hypoglossal nerve (XII)
  21. Anterior rectus capitis muscle (cut across)
  22. Longus capitis muscle (cut across)
  23. Dens (axis)
  24. Superior pharyngeal[ constrictor muscle
  25. Nodose ganglion of vagus nerve (X)
  26. Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle