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Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of anterior and lateral regions of neck

Lymphatic ducts of right side of neck; thymus; innominate artery and veins, anterior view

Image #76-6

KEYWORDS: Exocrine and endocrine, Lymphatics, Vasculature.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at

Dissection of anterior and lateral regions of neck
Lymphatic ducts of right side of neck; thymus; innominate artery and veins, anterior view
The superior mediastinal space has been opened by removal of the manubrium and upper part of the body of the sternum, and parts of the first and second costal cartilages.
1 . Upper pointer: Thyroid cartilage (left lamina resected) Lower pointer: Cricoid cartilage
2 . Common carotid artery
3 . Internal jugular vein
4 . Anterior scalene muscle
5 . External jugular vein (cut across)
6 . Trapezius muscle and clavicle (cut off)
7 . Deltoid muscle
8 . Right lymphatic duct
9 . Subclavian artery right
10 . Upper pointer: Axillary artery Lower pointer: Axillary vein
11 . Subclavian trunk
12 . Upper pointer: Bronchiomediastinal trunk right Lower pointer: Brachiocephalic vein right
13 . Pectoralis minor muscle
14 . Upper pointer: Superior vena cava Lower pointer: Costal pleura right
15 . Internal mammary lymph nodes
16 . Vagus nerve (X)
17 . Vocal ligament
18 . Longus colli muscle
19 . Trachea
20 . Inferior cervical ganglion
21 . Subclavian artery left
22 . Common carotid artery
23 . Brachiocephalic vein left
24 . Brachiocephalic artery
25 . Thymus
26 . Costal pleura
27 . Internal thoracic artery and vein
28 . Ascending aorta (covered by fibrous layer of pericardium)
29 . Rib II