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Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of ear from lateral aspect

Left lateral semicircular canal; facial canal; stapedius muscle; tympanic and tubal air cells

Image #60-6

KEYWORDS: Bones cartilage joints, Ear, Peripheral nervous system.

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Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Dissection of ear from lateral aspect
Left lateral semicircular canal; facial canal; stapedius muscle; tympanic and tubal air cells
The labyrinthine wall of the tympanic cavity has been cut away to show the relations of the facial nerve in its course through the facial canal. The geniculate ganglion has been exposed. The bone of the external auditory meatus has been ground away to reveal the extent of tympanic and tubal air cells along the floor (paries jugularis) of the tympanic cavity.
  1. Semicircular canal (lateral) (note delicate lateral semicircular duct within canal)
  2. Facial nerve (VII) in facial canal
  3. Geniculate ganglion (at geniculum facial nerve)
  4. Lessor superficial petrosal nerve (part of the course of this nerve is obscured by the semicanal for the tensor tympani muscle)
  5. Major superficial petrosal nerve
  6. Tensor tympani muscle and nerve supply from otic ganglion
  7. Semilunar ganglion
  8. Otic ganglion (most of its connections cut away)
  9. Lateral plate (cartilaginous) auditory tube
  10. Medial plate auditory tube
  11. Internal carotid artery
  12. Ascending pharyngeal artery
  13. Tympanic antrum
  14. Stapes
  15. Stapedius muscle and its nerve supply
  16. Upper pointer: Subiculum of promontory Lower pointer: Fenestrated cochlear fossa
  17. Tympanic plexus (superior and inferior caroticotympanic branches which pass anteriorly to reach carotid canal were not identified)
  18. Tympanic cells
  19. Tubal branches tympanic plexus
  20. Stylomastoid foramen (cut open)
  21. Right pointer: Tubal air cells Left pointer: Junction of bony part with cartilaginous part auditory tube
  22. Sheath for styloid process
  23. Rectus capitis lateralis muscle
  24. Internal jugular vein