Today's Hours: 8:00am - 10:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of ear from lateral aspect

Relation of left mastoid air cells to external auditory meatus

Image #60-1

KEYWORDS: Bones cartilage joints, Ear.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Dissection of ear from lateral aspect
Relation of left mastoid air cells to external auditory meatus
The auricle has been cut away and the mastoid air cells opened. In this specimen pneumatization extended well above the petrosquamous fissure (12).
  1. Temporal fossa
  2. Upper pointer: Auricular cartilage (cut across) Lower pointer: Skin of external acoustic meatus
  3. Zygomatic process temporal bone (cut across)
  4. Upper pointer: External acoustic meatus Lower pointer: Cartilaginous acoustic meatus (covered by membrane)
  5. Upper pointer: Masseteric nerve Lower pointer: Articular disc of mandible
  6. Auriculotemporal nerve
  7. Upper pointer: Pterygoid venous plexus Lower pointer: Middle meningeal artery
  8. Superficial temporal artery
  9. Internal maxillary artery
  10. Middle temporal artery
  11. Dura mater exposed in dissected area of temporal bone
  12. Petrosquamous fissure
  13. Mastoid cells (opened)
  14. Splenius capitis muscle (cut away)
  15. Auricular branch vagus nerve (cut off)
  16. Posterior auricular nerve
  17. Upper pointer: Anastomotic branch auriculotemporal nerve with facial nerve Lower pointer: Facial nerve
  18. Upper pointer: Mastoid process Lower pointer: Tendon of sternocleidomastoid muscle