We will be closed on Saturday September 14 due to facilities work.
Today's Hours: 8:00am - 8:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Microradiograph of eye; central optic pathways and related structures

Relations of optic pathways at base of brain.

Image #58A-7

KEYWORDS: Brain, Diencephalon, Eye, Face, Peripheral nervous system, Telencephalon, Temporal lobe, Vasculature.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Microradiograph of eye; central optic pathways and related structures
Relations of optic pathways at base of brain.
In this specimen, selected from a series of brain dissections included in Section I of the Atlas, the brain is photographed from its inferior aspect. The anterior part of the right temporal lobe has been removed so that the middle cerebral artery (6), the anterior choroidal artery (18), the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle (10), and the optic tract (19) life exposed.
1 . Meninges related to temporal pole
2 . Orbitofrontal branch of middle cerebral artery
3 . Anterior temporal artery
4 . Insula
5 . Frontal part of operculum
6 . Medial cerebral artery
7 . Striate artery
8 . Artery of precentral sulcus
9 . Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus (cut obliquely)
10 . Inferior horn of lateral ventricle
11 . Tapetum
12 . Medial temporal gyrus
13 . Inferior temporal gyrus
14 . Inferior temporal sulcus
15 . Fusiform gyrus
16 . Orbital branch of anterior cerebral artery
17 . Olfactory tract
18 . Anterior choroid artery
19 . Optic tract
20 . Mamillary body
21 . Cerebral peduncle
22 . Hippocampus (cut across)
23 . Pons
24 . Trigeminal nerve (V)
25 . Collateral fissure
26 . Basilar artery
27 . Olive
* . [Legend above restored translation from Latin]