Today's Hours: 8:00am - 10:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of dorsolateral aspect of left foot and ankle

Arteries and ligaments of foot, lateral view

Image #198-4

KEYWORDS: Ankle, Foot and toes, Muscles and tendons, Vasculature.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at

Dissection of dorsolateral aspect of left foot and ankle
Arteries and ligaments of foot, lateral view
  1. Anterior tibial artery
  2. Anterior tibial veins
  3. Tibia
  4. Anterior lateral malleolar artery
  5. Inferior extensor retinaculum (cut off)
  6. Lateral tarsal artery
  7. Dorsalis pedis artery
  8. Dorsal cuneonavicular ligament
  9. Dorsal intercuneiform ligament
  10. Arcuate artery
  11. Metatarsal bone II
  12. Dorsal metatarsal arteries
  13. Dorsal digital artery
  14. Extensor expansion
  15. Perforating branch of peroneal artery
  16. Anterior tibiofibular ligament
  17. Lateral malleolus
  18. Groove for tendon of peroneus brevis muscle
  19. Calcaneal branch of the posterior tibial artery
  20. Peroneus longus muscle (tendon)
  21. Calcaneocuboid articular capsule
  22. Peroneus brevis muscle (tendon of insertion)
  23. Peroneus tertius muscle (tendon)
  24. Dorsal cuneocuboid ligament
  25. Opponens digiti minimi muscle
  26. 3rd-4th dorsal interosseous muscles