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Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of female pelvis from a lateral approach

Pubis, ischium and external genitalia, close-up view of right lateral aspect

Image #158-3

KEYWORDS: Bones joints cartilage, External genitalia, Muscles and tendons, Vasculature.

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Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Dissection of female pelvis from a lateral approach
Pubis, ischium and external genitalia, close-up view of right lateral aspect
The lower portion of the dissection shown in the preceding view is displayed in this close-up photograph. The superficial fascia of the perineum has been dissected. The membranous layer of the fascia (25) consists in part of a fan-like series of fibrous bands which radiate into the labium majus from a bony attachment along the inferior ramus of the pubic bone.
  1. Acetabulum
  2. Ligamentum teres femoris (cut off)
  3. Ligamentum transversum of acetabulum
  4. Posterior branch of obturator artery
  5. Obturator internus muscle (cut off)
  6. Gluteus maximus muscle
  7. Sciatic nerve
  8. Sacrotuberous ligament
  9. Ischial tuberosity (tendons of hamstring muscles divided close to bone)
  10. Coccyx (covered by ligaments)
  11. Ramus of ischium
  12. Branch of inferior rectal artery
  13. External anal sphincter muscle (covered with fascia)
  14. Femoral vein
  15. Anterior branch of obturator nerve
  16. Superior pubic ramus
  17. Posterior branch of obturator nerve
  18. Pubic tubercle (covered by fibers of inguinal ligament)
  19. Anterior branch of obturator artery
  20. Body of pubic bone
  21. Obturator membrane (obturator internus muscle visible through membrane)
  22. Location of pubic symphysis
  23. Inferior pubic ramus
  24. Origin of gracilis muscle (cut off)
  25. Superficial perineal fascia (membranous layer or Colles' fascia; note the radiating fibers firmly attached to the inferior ramus of pubis)
  26. Labium majus
  27. Labium minus (redundant)