We will be closed on Saturday July 27 due to facilities work.
Today's Hours: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of female pelvis from a lateral approach

Pubis, ischium and external genitalia, close-up view of right lateral aspect

Image #158-3

KEYWORDS: Bones joints cartilage, External genitalia, Muscles and tendons, Vasculature.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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For additional information regarding use and permissions, please contact Dr. Drew Bourn at dbourn@stanford.edu.

Dissection of female pelvis from a lateral approach
Pubis, ischium and external genitalia, close-up view of right lateral aspect
The lower portion of the dissection shown in the preceding view is displayed in this close-up photograph. The superficial fascia of the perineum has been dissected. The membranous layer of the fascia (25) consists in part of a fan-like series of fibrous bands which radiate into the labium majus from a bony attachment along the inferior ramus of the pubic bone.
1 . Acetabulum
2 . Ligamentum teres femoris (cut off)
3 . Ligamentum transversum of acetabulum
4 . Posterior branch of obturator artery
5 . Obturator internus muscle (cut off)
6 . Gluteus maximus muscle
7 . Sciatic nerve
8 . Sacrotuberous ligament
9 . Ischial tuberosity (tendons of hamstring muscles divided close to bone)
10 . Coccyx (covered by ligaments)
11 . Ramus of ischium
12 . Branch of inferior rectal artery
13 . External anal sphincter muscle (covered with fascia)
14 . Femoral vein
15 . Anterior branch of obturator nerve
16 . Superior pubic ramus
17 . Posterior branch of obturator nerve
18 . Pubic tubercle (covered by fibers of inguinal ligament)
19 . Anterior branch of obturator artery
20 . Body of pubic bone
21 . Obturator membrane (obturator internus muscle visible through membrane)
22 . Location of pubic symphysis
23 . Inferior pubic ramus
24 . Origin of gracilis muscle (cut off)
25 . Superficial perineal fascia (membranous layer or Colles' fascia; note the radiating fibers firmly attached to the inferior ramus of pubis)
26 . Labium majus
27 . Labium minus (redundant)