Today's Hours: 8:00am - 10:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of male inguinal region and spermatic cord

Internal spermatic fascia, transversalis fascia and deep inguinal ring

Image #136-4


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Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Dissection of male inguinal region and spermatic cord
Internal spermatic fascia, transversalis fascia and deep inguinal ring
The internal oblique and transverse muscles have been cut off close to their origin (11)and also near their insertions (3,6). The transversalis fascia is exposed in the area behind the inguinal canal (5) as well as above and lateral to it. The deep inguinal ring is visible at 1. The internal spermatic fascia (14), which is visible in previous views, has been split longitudinally and its margins have been retracted. It was not possible to identify this layer throughout the length of the spermatic cord.
  1. Deep inguinal ring (pointer indicates emerging spermatic cord)
  2. Position of inferior epigastric vessels (covered by transversalis fascia)
  3. Transversus abdominis muscle (aponeurosis of insertion)
  4. External oblique muscle (aponeurosis, cut off)
  5. Upper pointer: Interfoveolar ligament (note fusion with aponeurosis of transverse muscle above pointer) Lower pointer: Transversalis fascia
  6. Conjoint tendon (cut across and reflected anteriorly)
  7. Reflected inguinal ligament
  8. Cremaster muscle (incised and reflected to both sides of spermatic cord)
  9. Cremasteric fascia (reflected)
  10. Head of epididymis
  11. Upper pointer: Transversus abdominis muscle (cut across) Lower pointer: Internal oblique muscle (cut across)
  12. Cremaster muscle (origin)
  13. Aponeurosis external oblique muscle (reflected downward from inguinal ligament)
  14. Internal spermatic fascia (divided and reflected)
  15. Spermatic cord
  16. Femoral artery