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Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of thorax from a posterior approach

Thoracic viscera.

Image #132-4

KEYWORDS: Diaphragm, Lung, Mediastinum, Muscles and tendons, Pleura.

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Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Dissection of thorax from a posterior approach
Thoracic viscera.
The posterior half of the costal pleura has been removed. The superior and posterior parts of the mediastinum have been dissected.
  1. Upper lobe left lung
  2. Oblique fissure
  3. Thoracic duct
  4. Esophagus
  5. Posterior intercostal artery II
  6. Lower lobe left lung
  7. Accessory hemiazygos vein
  8. Thoracic aorta (note origins of paired posterior intercostal arteries)
  9. Pericardium
  10. Upper pointer: Pulmonary ligament Lower pointer: Hemiazygos vein
  11. Greater splanchnic nerves (cut off)
  12. Rib IX
  13. Intervertebral disc Th. XI-XII
  14. Posterior longitudinal ligament
  15. Spinal cord
  16. Cupula pleurae
  17. Intervertebral disc Th. II- III
  18. Upper lobe right lung
  19. Trachea
  20. Oblique fissure
  21. Azygos vein (passing anteriorly to join superior vena cava)
  22. Right main bronchus
  23. Right pulmonary artery
  24. Right inferior pulmonary vein
  25. Right vagus nerve
  26. Inferior lobe right lung
  27. Azygos vein
  28. Pericardium enclosing inferior vena cava
  29. Diaphragm
  30. Mediastinal pleura