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Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of lungs in situ

Larynx, trachea, main bronchi and lungs

Image #123-5

KEYWORDS: Left lung, Lung, Mediastinum, Right lung.

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Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Dissection of lungs in situ
Larynx, trachea, main bronchi and lungs
The anterior part of the thoracic wall has been removed. The neck and mediastinum have been dissected to display the major cervical and thoracic parts of the respiratory system. Reference should be made to views 116-ff. for earlier phases of the dissection of this specimen.
  1. Mandible
  2. Digastric muscle
  3. Hyoid bone (covered by fibrous tissue)
  4. Submandibular gland
  5. Sternocleidomastoid muscle (cut off)
  6. Larynx
  7. Sympathetic trunk
  8. Phrenic nerve right
  9. Right vagus nerve
  10. Recurrent laryngeal nerve (subclavian artery cut off to reveal loop formed by this nerve below artery)
  11. Apex of lung (lying within cupula pleurae)
  12. Trachea
  13. Upper lobe right lung
  14. Azygos vein (cut off at point of entrance into superior vena cava)
  15. Right main bronchus
  16. Right pulmonary artery
  17. Esophagus
  18. Right pulmonary veins
  19. Middle lobe right lung
  20. Inferior vena cava (cut off at entrance into right atrium)
  21. Diaphragm
  22. Common carotid artery
  23. Internal jugular vein
  24. Middle scalene muscle
  25. Anterior scalene muscle
  26. Brachial plexus (cut off)
  27. Subclavian artery
  28. Phrenic nerve left
  29. Vagus nerve left
  30. Recurrent laryngeal nerve
  31. Aortic arch (cut off)
  32. Upper lobe left lung
  33. Left main bronchus
  34. Pulmonary trunk (cut off)
  35. Left superior pulmonary vein
  36. Thoracic aorta
  37. Left inferior pulmonary vein (at entrance into left atrium)
  38. Pericardium
  39. Lower lobe left lung
  40. Sternum