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Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of pericardium and heart in situ

Thymus and pericardium; superior sternopericardial ligament

Image #116-5

KEYWORDS: Pericardial sac, Thymus.

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Dissection of pericardium and heart in situ
Thymus and pericardium; superior sternopericardial ligament
The internal thoracic arteries have been cut off (6, 21). The pleura has been cut away from the pericardium and the fascia which covered the thymus has been partially removed. A portion of this fascia (9) fuses firmly with the pericardium to form one of the sternopericardial ligaments. The sternal attachment of this ligament was in the area of origin of the sternothyroid muscles and was detached in the preparation of the dissection.
  1. Middle scalene muscle
  2. Anterior scalene muscle
  3. Right recurrent laryngeal nerve
  4. Pleura (cut to display apex of lung)
  5. Right brachiocephalic vein
  6. Upper pointer: Phrenic nerve Lower pointer: Internal thoracic artery (displaced posteriorly)
  7. Pericardiacophrenic artery
  8. Superior vena cava
  9. Superior sternopericardial ligament
  10. Right lung
  11. Mediastinal pleura (cut and reflected from pericardium)
  12. Body of sternum (cut across)
  13. Diaphragm
  14. Thyroid gland
  15. Common carotid arteries
  16. Vagus nerve left
  17. Thoracic duct
  18. Right subclavian artery
  19. Left brachiocephalic vein
  20. Rib I
  21. Internal thoracic artery
  22. Thymus (right lobe)
  23. Thymus (left lobe)
  24. Pericardium
  25. Left lung
  26. Mediastinal pleura (cut and reflected)
  27. Fibrous bands attaching pericardium to costal cartilages