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  • Book
    [edited by] William W. Campbell.
    Overview of the nervous system
    The neurologic history
    The general physical examination
    General outline of the neurologic examination
    Gross and microscopic anatomy of the cerebral hemispheres
    Functions of the central cortex and regional cerebral diagnosis
    The mental status examination
    Disorders of speech and language
    Agnosia, apraxia, and related disorders of higher cortical function
    An overview of brainstem and cranial nerve anatomy
    The olfactory nerve
    The optic nerve
    The ocular motor nerves
    The trigeminal nerve
    The facial nerve
    The acoustic (vestibulocochlear) nerve
    The glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves
    The spinal accessory nerve
    The hypoglossal nerve
    Brainstem and multiple cranial nerve syndromes
    Overview of the motor system
    The motor unit level
    The spinal cord level
    The corticospinal (pyramidal) level
    The extrapyramidal level
    Motor strength and power
    Muscle tone
    Muscle volume and contour
    Abnormalities of movement
    Overview of the sensory system
    The exteroceptive sensations
    The proprioceptive sensations
    The interoceptive, or visceral, sensations
    Cerebral sensory functions
    Sensory localization
    Introduction to the reflexes
    The deep tendon or muscle stretch reflexes
    The superficial (cutaneous) reflexes
    Pathologic reflexes
    Postural and righting reflexes
    Associated movements
    Cerebellar function
    Gait and station
    The autonomic nervous system
    Peripheral neuroanatomy and focal neuropathies
    Neck and back pain
    Other musculoskeletal disorders
    The blood supply of the brain
    The ventricular system and the cerebrospinal fluid
    The examination in coma
    Miscellaneous neurologic signs
    Diagnostic reasoning and neurologic differential diagnosis.
    Digital Access Ovid 2013
  • Article
    Enzmann DR, Lane B.
    J Pediatr. 1978 Apr;92(4):535-9.
    This retrospective study investigated the possible adverse effects of cancer therapy on the brain. Cranial computed tomographic scans of 76 patients with non-central nervous system malignancies and 25 patients with leukemia had enlarged lateral ventricles and/or cortical sulci in 19% and 40%, respectively. Leukemic patients, especially those with meningeal involvement, had the most frequent and most severe abnormalities.
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