Today's Hours: 10:00am - 6:00pm

Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Dissection of head and neck from a posterior approach

Larynx; blood vessels and nerves

Image #83-3

KEYWORDS: Peripheral nervous system, Throat, Vasculature.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Dissection of head and neck from a posterior approach
Larynx; blood vessels and nerves
The mucous membrane has been removed from the piriform recesses and anterior wall of the esophagus. The right superior laryngeal nerve (22) has been retracted to expose branches of the superior laryngeal artery (20) and vein.
1 . External maxillary artery
2 . Salpingopharyngeus muscle
3 . Greater horn hyoid bone
4 . Lingual artery
5 . Pharyngeal branch of external carotid artery
6 . Lateral thyrohyoid ligament (Triticeal cartilage not present)
7 . Superior laryngeal nerve
8 . Superior horn thyroid cartilage
9 . External carotid artery
10 . Corniculate tubercle
11 . Piriform recess (mucosa removed)
12 . Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle (cut across)
13 . Common carotid artery
14 . Thyroid gland
15 . Root of tongue
16 . Epiglottis
17 . Pharyngoepiglottic fold (mucosa preserved)
18 . Aryepiglottic fold (inner mucosal surface preserved)
19 . Laryngeal ventricle
20 . Upper pointer: Superior laryngeal artery Lower pointer: Superior laryngeal vein
21 . Mucosa of pharynx (tunica)
22 . Superior laryngeal nerve (retracted slightly laterally)
23 . Cricoid cartilage (covered by perichondrium)
24 . Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
25 . Sympathetic trunk
26 . Esophageal veins
27 . Cervical nerve VII (cut across)
28 . Muscular coat of esophagus (longitudinal layer)
29 . Muscular coat of esophagus (circular layer)