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Bassett Collection of Stereoscopic Images of Human Anatomy

Microradiograph of eye; central optic pathways and related structures

Relations of optic pathways at base of brain.

Image #58A-5

KEYWORDS: Brain, Diencephalon, Eye, Face, Midbrain, Peripheral nervous system, Vasculature.

Creative Commons

Stanford holds the copyright to the David L. Bassett anatomical images and has assigned Creative Commons license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International to all of the images.

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Microradiograph of eye; central optic pathways and related structures
Relations of optic pathways at base of brain.
The specimen shown in the preceding photograph has been reoriented for this view so that the left orbit extends above and to the left of the area included in the photograph. The brain stem has been cut across through the rostral part of the mesencephalon. The left optic tract has been removed and the optic chiasm has been lifted slightly out of its normal position. The components of the arterial circle of Willis that are related to the optic pathways (i.e., internal carotid artery (6), anterior cerebral artery (5), anterior communicating artery (between 5 and 19, unlabeled), posterior communicating artery (8) and posterior cerebral artery (11)) remain in position.
1 . Olfactory tract (cut across)
2 . Inferior cerebral vein
3 . Ala parva ossis sphenoidalis (covered by dura)
4 . Medial cerebral artery (cut across)
5 . Left anterior cerebral artery
6 . Internal carotid artery
7 . Chiasmatic cistern
8 . Upper pointer: Anterior choroid artery (cut across) Lower pointer: Posterior communicating artery
9 . Optic tract (cut across and elevated)
10 . Oculomotor nerve (III)
11 . Posterior cerebral artery
12 . Central ramus of posterior cerebral artery
13 . Tributaries of the basal vein which passed into tip of inferior horn of lateral ventricle
14 . Substantia nigra
15 . Nucleus ruber
16 . Basal vein
17 . Cerebellar tentorium
18 . Continuation of main trunk of posterior cerebral artery
19 . Right anterior cerebral artery (anterior communicating artery partly obscured by optic chiasm)
20 . Falx cerebri
21 . Cingulate gyrus
22 . Pericallosal branch of anterior cerebral artery
23 . Anterior commissure
24 . Pars libera columnae fornicis
25 . Ventricular surface of hypothalamus
26 . Mamillary body (cut across)
27 . Intermediate mass
28 . Cerebral peduncle
29 . Internal cerebral veins
30 . Aditus ad aqueductum cerebri
31 . Posterior commissure
32 . Splenium corporis callosi
* . [Legend above restored translation from Latin]