ArticleTojo S, Narita M, Koyama A, Sano M, Suzuki H, Tsuchiya T, Tsuchida H, Yamamoto S, Shishido H.
Contrib Nephrol. 1978;9:111-27.
Dipyridamole was used in 30 cases of nephrotic syndrome, mostly of intractable type. The results indicate that the drug therapy proved to be effective in decreasing urinary protein and controlling nephrotic condition in 40% of the cases after an initial period of treatment. Long-term results of the drug on urinary protein and on nephrotic condition were rated as good in 36.7 and 53.3%, respectively, of the cases treated. The exact mechanism of action of dipyridamole in the nephrotic syndrome is still obscure in many respects. However, the fact that the drug shares its anti-platelet action with the non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, e.g. aspirin and indomethacin, and the rapidity with which it produces its urinary protein-decreasing effect, strongly suggests that it inhibits the release of vasoactive amines and other chemical mediators from blood platelets. As far as the present study is concerned, adverse side effects of dipyridamole were few or minimal, even when the drug used in large doses over a prolonged period of time. From these results it is considered that dipyridamole provides a new remedy which is worthy of trying in nephrotic syndrome as a means of reducing the requirement of steroids and immunosuppressive drugs.