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  • Book
    Tao Le, Vikas Bhushan, Maniver Deol, Gabriel Reyes.
    Print Unavailable: Checked out Recall Item
    Call Number
    Exam Review Books (shelved at Information Desk)
    R834.5 .G573 2019
  • Article
    Bodey GP, Rodriguez V, Chang HY, Narboni.
    Cancer. 1978 Apr;41(4):1610-22.
    All of the febrile episodes occurring in 494 adults with acute leukemia were reviewed. There were an average of 2.39 febrile episodes per patient and the patients spent 28% of their days in the hospital with fever. Sixty-four percent of the febrile episodes were due to infection. The most common types of infection were disseminated infection and pneumonia, which together accounted for 69% of the total episodes of documented infection. The etiologic agent was identified in 73% of the documented infections and gram-negative bacilli were responsible for the great majority. The most common gram-negative bacilli causing infection were Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. During the course of their leukemia, 31% of the patients had repeated episodes of infection caused by the same organism and 13% ahd repeated FUO's. Fever occurred most often when the patients had neutropenia (less than 500/mm3). The fatality rate from septicemia decreased from 84% in 1966 to 44% in 1972. The fatality rate for major infections caused by gram-positive cocci was 16%, for gram-negative bacilli was 37% and for fungi was 86%. Although infection remains a serious problem in leukemia patients, considerable progress has been made.
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