ArticleGillilan RE, Mondell B, Warbasse JR.
Am Heart J. 1977 Apr;93(4):444-9.
Because of previous reports of the beneficial effect of vitamin E in angina pectoris patients, 48 patients, with both stable angina and positive (chest pain plus ishemic ST depression) maximal exercise treadmill tests, participated in a double-blind cross-over study of 6 months of vitamin E and 6 months of placebo therapy, separated by a 2 month no treatment period. All 48 patients had positive selective coronary arteriograms (75 per cent obstruction of at least a major coronary artery) and/or Q wave ECG evidence of previous myocardial infarction (Minnesota criteria). Evaluation of drug effectiveness was based on performance of serial maximal exercise treadmill tests, serial systolic time interval measurements, and daily angina diaries. No statistically significant differences between the two treatment studied. It is concluded that a large dose of vitamin E (1,600 I.U. of d-alpha-tocopherol succinate daily) for 6 months in patients with stable angina pectoris fails to increase the exercise capacity, improve left ventricular function, or reduce the frequency of chest pain.