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  • Book
    Colin Watts, editor.
    Summary: Neuro-oncology is one of the most exciting and rapidly evolving areas of oncology. In recent years there has been a remarkable increase in activity in the field, from basic science through to the clinic. This is reflected by advances in the understanding of the biology of CNS malignancies which have informed the development of novel and successful therapies. In this environment it is essential to facilitate communication and understanding of new ideas and concepts. Emerging Concepts in Neuro-Oncology is written with this in mind: to encourage collaboration across traditional boundaries and promote translational research for patient benefit. The book moves from concepts in the scientific basis of neuro-oncology in part one, through models of brain cancer in part two, to emerging concepts in clinical practice in part three, with a focus on translational research. This book will be an essential read for neuroscience researchers, cancer researchers, neurosurgeons and clinical oncologists as well as anyone with an interest in this exciting, dynamic field.

    Part 1. Scientific Foundations
    Classification of Gliomas
    Epigenetics and Brain Cancer
    Astrocyte Differentiation from Oligodendrocyte Precursors
    Stem Cells and Brain Cancer
    Part 2. Models of Brain Cancer
    In Vitro Models of Brain Cancer
    Mouse Models of Glioma Pathogenesis: History and State of the Art
    The Application of Novel Ionizing Radiation Species for Glioblastoma
    Advances in Imaging Brain Cancer
    Part 3. Emerging Concepts in Clinical Practice
    Surgical Management of Glial Cancers
    Radiation Oncology in Brain Cancer
    Managing the Elderly Patient
    Brain Tumor Presentation in Children and Young People
    How Can We Improve Clinical Trial Recruitment in Neuro-Oncology?
    Digital Access Springer 2013
  • Article
    Meehan T, Straub K, Calvin M.
    Nature. 1977 Oct 20;269(5630):725-7.
    Digital Access Access Options