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  • Book
    Anne P. Cameron, editor.
    Summary: This book provides a comprehensive review of the etiology, anatomy, diagnosis, treatments, and future directions of care for female incontinence. It includes a historical review of past treatments many women have undergone and resultant altered anatomy. This book discusses conservative treatments such as patient and provider handouts on behavioral modification and how to perform pelvic floor exercises. It also covers medical therapy from minimally invasive treatments to radical surgical approaches and management of treatment failures. Addressing the treatment of stress incontinence with chapters progressing from least invasive to most invasive therapies, it also describes mesh complications and treatment failures. The book illuminates the intersection of prolapse with female incontinence, incontinence diagnosis and management after major reconstructions such as neobladder or penile inversion, vaginoplasty, and incontinence due to rarer conditions such as fistulas. Further chapters explore female urinary incontinence in special populations including pediatric patients, the elderly, and women with neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction, as well as poorly understood populations such as older children, women post-reconstruction, and trans-women. It also addresses research needs and the ever-expanding horizon of new developments in the field of incontinence in women. Female Urinary Incontinence provides a comprehensive text directed towards urologists, gynecologists, and those trained in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery (FPMRS). Given the topic of incontinence specifically in women and the burgeoning rise of women in the field of FPMRS, the book features an all-female author list comprised of an international group of female urologists and urogynecologists selected to author chapters on their particular expertise.

    Epidemiology, definitions and cost of incontinence in women
    Anatomy and pathophysiology of female incontinence
    Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence in Women
    Historical treatment of SUI and UUI in women
    Behavioral therapy and lifestyle modifications for the management of urinary incontinence in women
    Physical Therapy and Continence Inserts
    Medical Therapy with Antimuscarinics and Ç3-agonists
    Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation for Female Urge Urinary Incontinence
    Sacral and Pudendal neuromodulation (SNM)
    Botulinum toxin (BTXA) (in the non NGB patient)
    Augmentation Cystoplasty in the Non-neurogenic Bladder Patient
    Advanced Options for Treatment of Refractory Urgency Urinary Incontinence
    Urethral Bulking Agents
    Mesh slings (TOT, TVT, mini)
    Autologous Fascial Sling
    Managing complications after surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence
    FAILURE OF TREATMENT OF Stress Urinary Incontinence
    Prolapse as a Contributing Factor to Stress and Urgency Urinary Incontinence
    Incontinence following major reconstruction
    Rare conditions causing incontinence and their treatment
    Incontinence in Older Girls and Adolescents
    Incontinence in Older Girls and Adolescents
    Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly
    Maximizing Intraoperative Performance and Safety during Incontinence Surgery
    Maximizing Intraoperative Performance and Safety during Incontinence Surgery
    Experimental therapies and research needs for urinary incontinence in women.
    Digital Access Springer 2022