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  • Book
    Nestor Galvez-Jimenez, Alexandra Soriano, John A. Morren, editors.
    Summary: This easily readable book describes a practical approach to electrodiagnostic medicine. Replete with well-curated figures, the relevant principles and procedures are clearly described and portrayed, including the anatomical details needed for successful nerve conduction studies and needle electrode examination. Numerous summary tables also convey key information in a concise and easily accessible manner. The reader is also able to reinforce understanding of the various topics through high-yield sample cases which are presented and discussed at the end of chapters. Electrodiagnostic Medicine, A Practical Approach is ideal reading for budding, junior as well as more experienced electrodiagnosticians, particularly those in the field neurology and physiatry.

    Few Antecedent Words of Gratitude from NGJ
    Using the Book
    1: Principles of Electrodiagnosis: Introduction
    Biases, Advantages and Disadvantages/Limitations (see Tables 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4)
    Physiopathological Basis for the Interpretation of NCS
    Nerve Conduction Studies
    Needle Electrode Examination
    Late Responses
    F-Wave (Fig. 1.4)
    H-reflex (Fig. 1.5)
    The A-wave or Axon Reflex
    Blink Reflexes
    Facial Nerve Motor Studies
    Standard Assessments of the Upper and Lower Extremities Some Common Scenarios in Which an Electrodiagnostic Study Is Requested
    Hand Pain/Numbness/Sensory Disturbance
    Foot Pain/Numbness/Sensory Disturbance
    Proximal Lower Limb/Anterior Thigh Weakness
    Foot Drop/Weakness
    Generalized Weakness
    2: Atlas of Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS)
    General Concepts
    Upper Extremities
    Sensory NCS
    Median Sensory Recording at Index Finger (See Fig. 2.1)
    Median Sensory Recording at the Thumb (See Fig. 2.2)
    Median Sensory Recording at Middle Finger (See Fig. 2.3) Ulnar Sensory Recording at Fifth Finger (See Fig. 2.4)
    Dorsal Ulnar Cutaneous Sensory Recording at Dorsum of the Hand (See Fig. 2.5)
    Radial Sensory Recording at Base of the Thumb (See Fig. 2.6)
    Median Palmar Mixed Nerve (See Fig. 2.7)
    Ulnar Palmar Mixed Nerve (See Fig. 2.8)
    Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous Sensory Recording Medial Forearm (See Fig. 2.9)
    Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Sensory Recording Lateral Forearm (See Fig. 2.10)
    Motor NCS
    Median Motor Recording at Abductor Pollicis Brevis (APB)
    Ulnar Motor Recording at Abductor Digiti Minimi (ADM) Ulnar Motor Recording at First Dorsal Interosseous (FDI)
    Radial Motor Recording at Extensor Digitorum (Communis) [ED/EDC]
    Musculocutaneous Recording at Biceps Brachii
    Axillary Recording at Deltoid Muscle
    Lower Extremity
    Sensory NCS
    Sural (Sensory) Recording Posterior Distal Leg/Lateral Ankle (See Fig. 2.23)
    Superficial Peroneal (Fibular) Sensory Recording Dorsolateral Aspect of Ankle/Proximal Foot (See Fig. 2.24)
    Saphenous Nerve Recording Medial Distal Leg (See Fig. 2.25)
    Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Recording Lateral Thigh (See Fig. 2.26) Medial and Lateral Plantar Mixed Nerve Response Recording the Medial Ankle (See Figs. 2.27 and 2.28)
    Motor NCS
    Peroneal (Fibular) Motor Recording at Extensor Digitorum Brevis (EDB)
    Peroneal (Fibular) Motor Recording at Tibialis Anterior (TA)
    Tibial Motor Recording at Abductor Hallucis (AH)
    Tibial Motor Recording at Abductor Digiti Quinti Pedis (ADQP)
    Femoral Motor Recording at Rectus Femoris
    Tibial H-Reflex Recording at Soleus
    Spinal Accessory Motor Recording at Trapezius
    Facial Motor Recording at Nasalis
    Suggested Reading
    Digital Access Springer 2021