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  • Journal
    Summary: AAP Grand Rounds is a literature review newsletter that publishes evidence-based summaries of the most recent advances in pediatrics from nearly 100 general pediatrics and subspecialty journals. Criteria for article selection include methodological soundness as well as relevance to practicing pediatricians.
    Digital Access Silverchair v. 1-, 1999-
    CME NOT INCLUDED with institutional subscriptions
  • Article
    Kallesøe O, Jespersen A.
    Acta Orthop Scand. 1978 Apr;49(2):134-7.
    An 8-year-old girl, who had been vaccinated with BCG without subsequent regional reactions, developed osteomyelitis in the left calcaneus 7 months later. The process healed after surgical treatment and chemotherapy for 1 year. Culture from the bone abscess gave growth of mycobacteria which could not be distinguished from BCG.
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