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  • Book
    editor, Pallaval Veera Bramhachari.
    Summary: This book illustrates the importance and significance of Quorum sensing (QS), it's critical roles in regulating diverse cellular functions in microbes, including bioluminescence, virulence, pathogenesis, gene expression, biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance. Microbes can coordinate population behavior with small molecules called autoinducers (AHL) which serves as a signal of cellular population density, triggering new patterns of gene expression for mounting virulence and pathogenesis. Therefore, these microbes have the competence to coordinate and regulate explicit sets of genes by sensing and communicating amongst themselves utilizing variety of signals. This book descry emphasizes on how bacteria can coordinate an activity and synchronize their response to external signals and regulate gene expression. The chapters of the book provide the recent advancements on various functional aspects of QS systems in different gram positive and gram negative organisms.

    Preface; Contents; Editors and Contributors; Part I: Introduction to Microbial Quorum Sensing; Introduction to Quorum Sensing Research in Diverse Microbial Systems; Intra and Inter-Species Communication in Microbes: Living with Complex and Sociable Neighbors; Quorum Sensing Systems and Persistence; Microbial Social Interactions in Biofilm; Part II: Functional Aspects of Quorum Sensing in Microbes; Quorum Sensing Regulated Swarming Motility and Migratory Behavior in Bacteria; Bacterial Quorum Sensing in Pathogenic Relationships: Relevance to Complex Signalling Networks and Prospective Applications Cellular Signaling in Bacterial Biofilms; Quorum Sensing in Bacterial Pathogenesis and Virulence; Quorum Sensing and Biofilm Formation in Pathogenic and Mutualistic Plant-Bacterial Interactions; Microbes Living Together: Exploiting the Art of Making Biosurfactants and Biofilms; Quorum Sensing in Microbes and their Function in Modulating Antibiotic Synthesis; Part III: Quorum Sensing Regulated Behaviors in Fungi; Perspective of Quorum Sensing Mechanism in Candida albicans; Part IV: Quorum Sensing Regulated Behaviours in Gram-Negative Bacteria; Vibrio fischeri Symbiotically Synchronizes Bioluminescence in Marine Animals via Quorum Sensing Mechanism Part V: QS-Regulated Behaviours in Gram-Positive Bacteria; Quorum Sensing Mechanisms in Gram Positive Bacteria; Novel Insights on the Bacillus Quorum Sensing Mechanism: Its Role in Competence, Virulence, Sporulation and Biofilm Formation; Quorum Sensing in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Its Role in Biofilms and Pathogenesis; Quorum Sensing in Streptococcus pyogenes and Their Role in Establishment of Disease; Part Vi. Other Related Topics on Quorum Sensing; Mathematical Model of Quorum Sensing and Biofilm; Understanding the Bacterial Biofilm Resistance to Antibiotics and Immune Evasion. Quorum Sensing System Regulates Virulence and Pathogenicity Genes in Vibrio harveyi; Quorum Sensing Complexity of the Gut Enterobacteria Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica; Quorum-Sensing Mechanism in Rhizobium sp.: Revealing Complexity in a Molecular Dialogue; Quorum Sensing and Its Role in Agrobacterium Mediated Gene Transfer; Quorum Sensing in Helicobacter pylori: Role of Biofilm and Its Implications for Antibiotic Resistance and Immune Evasion; Quorum Sensing and Biofilm Disassembly Process in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Xanthomonas campestris
    Digital Access Springer 2018
  • Article
    Gordon B.
    J Md State Dent Assoc. 1977 Aug;20(2):76-8.
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