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  • Book
    Frank Thévenod, David Petering, Douglas M. Templeton, Wing-Kee Lee, Andrea Hartwig, editors.
    Summary: This book outlines the interaction of cadmium with the proteome and signalling molecules of mammalian cells. Chapters from expert contributors cover topics such as cadmium chemical biology, membrane receptors and transporters for cadmium and cadmium complexes, and targets of cadmium toxicity. Students and researchers working in bioinorganic chemistry will find this book an important account.

    Membrane transport proteins and receptors for cadmium and cadmium complexes
    The chemical biology of cadmium
    Interactions of cadmium with signaling molecules
    Cell organelles as targets of cadmium toxicity
    Cadmium and its impact on genomic stability.
    Digital Access Springer 2018